Cannot remove item from collection


Kou Vang

I am having trouble removing items from a list box. Here is my code:

Option explicit:

Dim I As Integer

If LstOLd.ListCount >= 1 Then
If LstOLd.ListIndex = -1 Then
LstOLd.ListIndex = _
LstOLd.ListCount - 1
End If

LstOLd.RemoveItem (LstOLd.ListIndex)

LstNew.RemoveItem (LstNew.ListIndex)
LstColor.RemoveItem (LstColor.ListIndex)
End If

I also found this:

An error occurred while attempting to remove an item from a collection.
Typically, this is a result of the following:

Attempting to remove a table while it is participating in a relationship
with another table.
Attempting to remove a column while it is defined as a Foreign Key in a
Attempting to remove a column that is part of another columns expression.
Attempting to remove a column that is involved in a relationship.
To correct this error

Remove the constraint that this collection item participates in.

Is this perhaps my problem? Thanks.

George Nicholson

On which line does the error occur? When you try to remove an item from
LstOld, or when you try to remove an item from one of the other boxes? If
the latter, it may be because ListIndex for those boxes is -1 or otherwise
invalid for RemoveItem. Your code covers that possibilty for lstOld, but not
the other 2 boxes.


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