Cannot remove Norton Anti Spam



I saw the exact same problem posted in November and no one answered her. I
cannot remove the Norton Anti Spam plugin. If I go to Tools> Options...
Other, Advanced Options, Com Add-Ins. I can remove the Norton Plug in, then
close the window and it comes right back. How can I get rid of this thing.
It's as persistent as Windows Messenger.

Sledge Hammer via

Try removing the whole registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Outlook\Addins\*Anti*Spam* (<- find
the real Norton's Key)

Also look here:


Thanks Sledge. Tried that and it comes back. Even did it in a safe mode.
I've removed spyware that didn't hang on like this thing. I can't even
rename the folder in Program Files\Common blah, blah, blah that controls
Norton Anti-Spam.

I don't remember how but I finally screwed up the whole thing so that
Outlook gave me an error with the option to disable Norton Anti-Spam. Did
that. It still shows but is not checked in Com Ad-Insand does not run.

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