Cannot save a word document


RF Brown

Okay, here's what happened. Installed new harddrive copied over all files.
There were two partishion on the old harddrive that were converted to one
drive on the new drive. After changing some file paths all program seemed to
work. However when trying to save a word file the box to select the file
path did not open. Reinstall MSOffice 2003, no luck still not working,
install MSOffice 2007, still not working. Now operating with Open Office to
get by but need my old Word to work. That the heck is wrong.
PS; Our IS guy has given-up, and left me hanging.

Herb Tyson [MVP]

It's not 100% clear to me what you're saying. What is and what is not
working? Does Word open? Is the only problem that you cannot save a

Have you tried starting Word in safe mode? Hold down the Ctrl key as Word is
starting and click Yes to starting in safe mode. Does Word work okay now?

If starting in safe mode works, then the most likely problem is either a
corrupted (normal.dotm for Word 2007) or a corrupted data key. My
guess is that a corrupted from Word 2003 begat a corrupted
normal.dotm when Word 2007 was installed. I would:

1. Delete and normal.dotm.

2. Delete the data key in the registry. It's here:


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