Cannot see existing user


Terry Montgomery

I am currently doing contract work and Project Server was up and running
already. I am now and Administrator. I went to add a user this week. Project
Server basically told me when I went to save the new user, with a Project
Manager profile, that the user name and or domain was not a match. It failed
to add. After several tries of the user windows directory log on name and
checking the email address Project Server would still not recognize the user.
I took the user info to the original Administrator who set up Project Server
who is a top flight programmer and Program Administrator. He also runs the
company Sharepoint site. He added the user to Sharepoint then went to Project
Server to set up the new user. It appeared he was successful. It saved the
new user profile. However, when you go back and look for the name in the
Users list it does not appear. I then went back and tried to add the user
again. Now Project Server tells me that the user already exists. The user
still does not appear in the overall list of assigned users.
Is there a problem with Project Server not recognizing Sharepoint users? I
have not had this problem before now. All other users in Project Server are
also Sharepoint users. So what's different?
Terry Montgomery

Kevin W Flanagan

Users should be c`reated in the Enterprise Resource Pool first (name only)
nad then set up the user in PWA. That is the only way I have been successful.

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