Check out if Outlook or Outlook Express is your mail program for Office
Start>Settings>Control Panel....Internet options (Program Tab)
Close Excel first before you make a change.
*** Outlook Express is the mail program. No change needs to make.
XL2002: "Send To Routing Recipient" Command Does Nothing
*** We are not using routing. Not appliable.
Note : If you use a other language version then English
The MAPIX=1 can be in the section [Correo] for example and not in the [Mail]
This is a example for a Spanish version (Correo = Mail in Spanish).
*** Language is English. Not appliable
Error <Excel could not start the E-mail program>
*** I can go to Excel | File | Send To | Mail Recipients to bring up the
email dialog box. So this is not an issue.
If you want to send the selection in the body of the mail in Excel 2000 or
(File>Send To...Mail recipient or use the E-Mail button on the Standard
And have Outlook 2003 as your default mail program then
Excel will tell you this <Excel could not start the E-mail program>
***We are using Excel 2000/XP and Outlook Express 6.
The Outlook version and the Office version must be the same to send
in the body of the mail.
Because there is a bug in Outlook it is possible that you must uncheck
"send immediately when connect" in the Outlook options.
Tools>Options>Mail Setup in the Outlook menu.
In Outlook 2000 Tools>Options>Mail Delivery
*** We are using Outlook Express.
Problem: It will not close the Outlook process after the mail is sent in the
Task Manager
Search in the MS Knowledge Base for solutions of other problems (Click here)
***None of them target Outlook Express. If my client has Outlook, I can use
Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSendMail).Show aryEmailAddress, strEmailSubject.
To bad...
Abel Chan
Regards Ron de Bruin
Hi Ron,
Thanks to your quick reply. I used your code and got error 1004
Application-defined or object-defined error. Somehow Excel was unable to
find Outlook Express.
On the other hand, I was able to use your code at:
http://www.rondebruin.nl/mail/oebody.htm to bring up a dialog box and send
out a test email.
I also tried the Outlook object code and got similar error:
Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSendMail).Show aryEmailAddress, strEmailSubject
Thanks so much Ron.
Hi Abel
Your code is not the same as the Example on my site
Sub Mail_workbook_1()
ActiveWorkbook.SendMail "(e-mail address removed)", _
"This is the Subject line"
End Sub
Regards Ron de Bruin
Hi all,
I was trying to send out an excel workbook through Outlook Express.
I looked at
http://www.rondebruin.nl/ and have:
Workbooks.Application.ActiveWorkbook.SendMail "(e-mail address removed)", _
"This is a test"
In my code but I got an error 1004 "Method 'SendMail' of object '_Workbook'
I checked my Internet Option | Program and it has Outlook Express as the
default Email.
Any idea why?
Thanks so much.
Abel Chan