drjerzy said:
This version of outlook came with Office 2003, so it is Outlook 2003.
I tried to follow the directions and stated I used Hotmail - but
other than that, I have not a clue -
What directions were those? Where did you find them? WHat did they tell
you to do and what did you do in response to them? I don't understand how
you can have "not a clue" when you know what you typed. What was it that
you typed? We weren't there. We couldn't see your screen. You have to be
the eyes for whomever might be able to answer your question.
It asks if I want to start
Outlook in safe mode because it did not set up properly and it will
start is repair mode - I get a welcome screen and it just freezes!
Nothing happens!
You must have done something wrong in an earlier step because the it
indicates you're trying to start Outlook _after_ having done something. We
need to know what that something was in order to tell you what's wrong with
By the way, if this ia one of the free Hotmail accounts, chances are you
won't be able to use Outlook to access it. MSN usually requires payment in
order to access Hotmail from Outlook.