Cannot sync onenote to sharepoint



My collegue cannot open or synzronize onenotefiles from within

He can upload a onenote file to the sharepoint server from the web-
He can open the file from the onenote interface on the hompage of
He can NOT open the file on the srver from within onenote...
He cannot, when having the file opened in onenote, synch the file
(after chances) from within onenote OR he cannot start a shared
notebook saving it to the sharepoint server from within onenote

So - it seems that from within onenote he only has one way
communication with the server....

The following error message (in swedish) appear when trying to synch:

"Not connected"

And under the Error tab it then sais:
The given networkname is in the wrong format (translated from
swedish) (Error code: 0x4BE)

When trying to open a file or start a shared notebook on the sps the
following error appears:

"invalid foldername" (translated from swedish)


My collegue cannot open or synzronize onenotefiles from within

He can upload a onenote file to the sharepoint server from the web-
He can open the file from the onenote interface on the hompage of
He can NOT open the file on the srver from within onenote...
He cannot, when having the file opened in onenote, synch the file
(after chances) from within onenote OR he cannot start a shared
notebook saving it to the sharepoint server from within onenote

So - it seems that from within onenote  he only has one way
communication with the server....

The following error message (in swedish) appear when trying to synch:

"Not connected"

And under the Error tab it then sais:
The given networkname is in the wrong  format (translated from
swedish) (Error code: 0x4BE)

When trying to open a file or start a shared notebook on the sps the
following error appears:

"invalid foldername" (translated from swedish)

could somebody please pick up this thread? Someone from Microsoft
perhaps? I don't want to pay for a service about something this basal.

Mike Walsh

I already picked it up in an earlier thread with the same content before
you started a new thread without adding anything.

It works fine for me. Maybe it works equally well for everyone else here

This is a newsgroup after all. You can't *expect* answers here. For
guaranteed responses you do need to contact Microsoft and if it is found
to be a problem in their software you won't need to pay either.

Mike Walsh
no questions by e-mail please


I already picked it up in an earlier thread with the same content before
you started a new thread without adding anything.

It works fine for me. Maybe it works equally well for everyone else here

This is a newsgroup after all. You can't *expect* answers here. For
guaranteed responses you do need to contact Microsoft and if it is found
to be a problem in their software you won't need to pay either.

Mike Walsh
no questions by e-mail please

and how do I know if it is a problem of theirs? When I get the bill
for the support, or not? I simply can't believe that we are the only
ones with this problem? I posted under a new topic since we now
targeted in what area the problem must be.


Just to confirm that you are not alone. I have had this problem with vista 32
bit and 64 bit ever since I started using it (works fine with xp). Mostly I
can't synch and I can't open. Sometimes I get the proper webdav directory
view and it can open. I can then sync for a while until next time. It seems
to have something to do with whether wininet on winhttp is used 1st to the
site. There have been a few fixes and these are supposed to be in Sp1 but I
still have the issues I have always had. (Windows sharepoint services).

Ben M. Schorr - MVP (OneNote)

Unfortunately OneNote doesn't sync that well to SharePoint yet - you'll
be much happier syncing OneNote to a regular Windows file share, if you
can do that.

I'm not saying OneNote->SharePoint never works, it often does, but it is
sometimes problematic.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Author - The Lawyer's Guide to Microsoft Outlook 2007:

Mike Walsh

It's been syncing fine for me to WSS 3.0. (From several different
client systems)

(and always works)

Mike Walsh
no private questions please
Unfortunately OneNote doesn't sync that well to SharePoint yet - you'll
be much happier syncing OneNote to a regular Windows file share, if you
can do that.

I'm not saying OneNote->SharePoint never works, it often does, but it is
sometimes problematic.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Author - The Lawyer's Guide to Microsoft Outlook 2007:

Ben M. Schorr - MVP (OneNote)

There are some technical issues with the way OneNote syncs and the way
SharePoint receives files that complicates it somewhat. Like I said, it
often works, and it should be somewhat better with OneNote SP1, but it's
a lot more complicated than a simple Windows File Share sync would be;
and that means it sometimes fails.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Author - The Lawyer's Guide to Microsoft Outlook 2007:

Mike Walsh

I have OneNote SP1 (and WSS 3.0 SP1 but not the infrastructure upgrade)
and it's true that I have only used it "in production" since I moved to SP1.

(Not that I knew of any problems before, I just never got round to doing
it and used file transfers from client to client [which never worked

Mike Walsh
There are some technical issues with the way OneNote syncs and the way
SharePoint receives files that complicates it somewhat. Like I said, it
often works, and it should be somewhat better with OneNote SP1, but it's
a lot more complicated than a simple Windows File Share sync would be;
and that means it sometimes fails.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Author - The Lawyer's Guide to Microsoft Outlook 2007:


Just to confirm that you are not alone. I have had this problem with vista 32
bit and 64 bit ever since I started using it (works fine with xp). MostlyI
can't synch and I can't open. Sometimes I get the proper webdav directory
view and it can open. I can then sync for a while until next time. It seems
to have something to do with whether wininet on winhttp is used 1st to the
site. There have been a few fixes and these are supposed to be in Sp1 butI
still have the issues I have always had. (Windows sharepoint services).


It is always nice to know you are not alone :). Plese tell me if you
find a fix, I'm on the verge of just skipping onenote for my entire
work-team just for this. Guess we have to stick with pen and paper for
a while... It's really sad that they cannot make a service like this
run smoothly or at least have a proper service for those who need
help, and refuse to pay for it if it just should work...


Unfortunately OneNote doesn't sync that well to SharePoint yet - you'll
be much happier syncing OneNote to a regular Windows file share, if you
can do that.

I'm not saying OneNote->SharePoint never works, it often does, but it is
sometimes problematic.

So, you mean that we should set up our own file server, or could we
rent space somewhere? Could we then set it up to work from "anywhere"?

Best regards!

Ben M. Schorr - MVP (OneNote)

Either one. My firm does it with VPN connections and a Windows file
share; our users are almost exclusively using laptops/tablets and the
only very occasionally come into the office. But they often connect via
VPN to conduct a series of tasks; so we let OneNote do its
synchronization as part of that.

You could set up your own file share or rent space.

OneNote CAN work with SharePoint, it's just not quite as clean/easy as a
Windows file share just yet. (it is an area of emphasis for the OneNote
team, so I would expect to see continued improvements in that area)

Ben M. Schorr, MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Author - The Lawyer's Guide to Microsoft Outlook 2007:

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