Cannot think of descriptive subject.:-)

  • Thread starter Darren \(at work\)
  • Start date

Darren \(at work\)

I have a table (Inspected)

InspectID - autonum(PK)
Partcode - text
Date - date/time
Prod_rej - Yes/No
Incoming - Yes/No
Prod_Result - text
QA_Result - Text
SerialNo - text

This is linked to another table (Details):

DetailsID - autonumber -
|- (PK)
InspectID - number(FK) -
FaultType - text
FaultCause - text
FaultSize - text
Area - text

The 'Details' table is there so that numerous entries can be made about a
single entry in the 'Inspected' table.
What I need is a table where I can enter the total number of any given
partcode produced in a given 'WEEK NUMBER' so that I can calculate an
attrition rate for a given partcode on any given week.

My question is how can I structure a table(s) that will allow me to enter in
this 'Production Qty', making sure that it is uniquely identified to the
week number and year, while also making sure that I can relate this to the
date that has been entered into the 'Inspected' table.

Basically I need to find out the distinct count to each Partcode in the
Inspected table for each individual week number and using the Production Qty
for that week, calculate the fault rate/attrition rate.

I hope I have explained my self clearly enough.

Many thanks for any an all help and advice.


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