I just switched from a PC back to a Mac after almost 10 years and I'm
having trouble getting some of my Mac intuition back. I need to update
the index for my thesis so that I can finish my master's degree and
graduate in December. The document is too big for the old PC at work,
which runs Word 2000. The paper was written on a Sony laptop (which
has subsequently crashed and burned) in Word 2003. My Mac is running
Word 2004. I updated index entries today at work, but couldn't update
the index itself due to "inadequate resources." I looked up how to
update my index in the Help menu in Word, and its advice was not at all
helpful as there is no option "update field" in the contextual menu. I
tried using F9, which is what one would do on a PC, but it just shrank
all the open windows on my screen. Please help! I'm so close to being
finished with this monster of a paper, and I'm at my wit's end!
Thanks very much in advance!
having trouble getting some of my Mac intuition back. I need to update
the index for my thesis so that I can finish my master's degree and
graduate in December. The document is too big for the old PC at work,
which runs Word 2000. The paper was written on a Sony laptop (which
has subsequently crashed and burned) in Word 2003. My Mac is running
Word 2004. I updated index entries today at work, but couldn't update
the index itself due to "inadequate resources." I looked up how to
update my index in the Help menu in Word, and its advice was not at all
helpful as there is no option "update field" in the contextual menu. I
tried using F9, which is what one would do on a PC, but it just shrank
all the open windows on my screen. Please help! I'm so close to being
finished with this monster of a paper, and I'm at my wit's end!
Thanks very much in advance!