Cannot upload my website.


Dave King

I cannot upload my website onto my server.

I receive following message.

Do you want to remove this file.

The file your user name has changed please log into your
admin panel for the name exists on the destination server
but does not exist on the current web. Would you like
frontpage to remove it from the

I then get a box stating

550 01 rapid1:main web.jpg: Permission denied

The above is a Jpeg photo on my website.

The website will not show the box done as previous when
download is complete.

Help Please!.

Regards Dave

Mark Fitzpatrick

Have you contacted your host about this? First though, try an FTP utility
like WS_FTP Pro. If it has trouble deleting this file then there is
definitely a server error here regarding the permissions on the files or on
your account and only your host will be able to take care of it. FP has a
rather simplistic FTP engine so sometimes it's best to check out a
third-party utility first before contacting the host. If you have errors
using both methods, then there's definitely something going on other than FP
being stubborn.

Hope this helps,
Mark Fitzpatrick
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

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