Cannot Use templates created on WIN98 in WIN2000



We have used Word based transcription system system for
several years, on WIN98 machines. Each transctiptionist
has her own autotext, autocorrect,custom dictionaries,
and "templates" which use mail merge fields that draw
data from our patients demographic information. When a
patient is selected, a .txt file is created in the
Windows/temp directory, and that data is used to populate
the mail merge fields. We have installed a Win 2000
Advanced Server box as a domain conroller, and are
instituting roaming user profiles, file redirection, and
in some cases offline files. We have not been able to
install WIN2000, Word 2000, and the Transcription system,
as a fresh install, and bring over the "templates"
created from the previous WIN98 installation. The errors
all seem to revolve around the location of the Windows
Temp directory and ODBC settings. Has anyone been able to
accomplish this, or have any ideas? We want to use WIN
2000 because of the increase in security, and want to use
roaming user profiles so our transcriptionists can use
different machines, and have all of there personal
settings and templates available

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