Cannot view project information



I am a little dumbfounded...

I have an .mpp file that I tried importing with the import wizard. I
did the whole nine, link customized fields and linked most resources.
The project can be seen in the list of projects in project center, but
when i click to see the details, there is no information. I have
published it, too.

I then tried creating the same project from scratch (copying and
pasting) into a new project and publish it. It works fine.

Does anyone know why this is? Is it b/c I didn't link ALL resources in
the import wizard? I would to import it b/c it's really large and I
have a feeling some information was lost in the copy/paste into new
project method.

Any help would be appreciated.



Oh, thanks J... I'll wait another day for it to settle, but I imported
it yesterday...

J Burford Fields

No guarantee, but I was doing an import, having trouble, decided to
close it and not save changes, closed it and... POOF... it was gone, no
"do you want to save changes?" message at all. I went to open projects
and didn't see it. Two days later it shows up.

Glad that happened on a weekend as all the resources still had to be
set to planned rather than committed or they would have seen the new
tasks for time entry and created confusion...



It;s been a few days and I still cannot view the project schedule...
any help? please?

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