I would like to write the contents of a Collection of Objects to a
file, but I'm having a lot of problems. Can you help me? Here's a
simplified version of my code, which reproduces the problem:
Sub test()
Dim I As Long, Record As CRecord, Coll As Collection
Set Record = New CRecord
Set Coll = New Collection
For I = 1 To 26
Record.Linea(I) = "foobar" & I
Next I
Coll.Add Item:=Record
Call WriteDataToFile("foo.txt", Coll)
End Sub
The CRecord Class Module follows:
Option Explicit
Private pLinea(1 To 26) As String
' Left Limit Property
Public Property Get Linea(Index As Long) As String
Linea = pLinea(Index)
End Property
Public Property Let Linea(Index As Long, Value As String)
pLinea(Index) = Value
End Property
' PrintToFile Method
Public Function PrintToFile(FileUnit As Integer)
Dim I As Long
For I = 1 To NLines
Print #FileUnit, Linea(I)
Next I
End Function
Finally, here's the WriteDataToFile function:
Function WriteDataToFile(FileName As String, Container As Variant) As
'Write each element contained in Container (either an array or a
collection) to file FileName
Dim FNumber As Integer, Element As Variant
'Find free file number
FNumber = FreeFile
'Create new file or overwrite existing one
Open FileName For Output As #FNumber
'Write array to file
For Each Element In Container
If IsObject(Element) Then
Element.PrintToFile FileUnit:=FNumber
Print #FNumber, Element
End If
'Close file and exit
Close #FNumber
End Function
The error I get when running test() is
"Run-time error 52:
Bad file name or number"
However, the file name is an allowed one ("foo.txt") and the file
number is surely ok, since I get it using the intrinsic VB function
FreeFile, which returns an Integer corresponding to a free file
number. So I really don't know what's happening here. Can you help me?
Best Regards
I would like to write the contents of a Collection of Objects to a
file, but I'm having a lot of problems. Can you help me? Here's a
simplified version of my code, which reproduces the problem:
Sub test()
Dim I As Long, Record As CRecord, Coll As Collection
Set Record = New CRecord
Set Coll = New Collection
For I = 1 To 26
Record.Linea(I) = "foobar" & I
Next I
Coll.Add Item:=Record
Call WriteDataToFile("foo.txt", Coll)
End Sub
The CRecord Class Module follows:
Option Explicit
Private pLinea(1 To 26) As String
' Left Limit Property
Public Property Get Linea(Index As Long) As String
Linea = pLinea(Index)
End Property
Public Property Let Linea(Index As Long, Value As String)
pLinea(Index) = Value
End Property
' PrintToFile Method
Public Function PrintToFile(FileUnit As Integer)
Dim I As Long
For I = 1 To NLines
Print #FileUnit, Linea(I)
Next I
End Function
Finally, here's the WriteDataToFile function:
Function WriteDataToFile(FileName As String, Container As Variant) As
'Write each element contained in Container (either an array or a
collection) to file FileName
Dim FNumber As Integer, Element As Variant
'Find free file number
FNumber = FreeFile
'Create new file or overwrite existing one
Open FileName For Output As #FNumber
'Write array to file
For Each Element In Container
If IsObject(Element) Then
Element.PrintToFile FileUnit:=FNumber
Print #FNumber, Element
End If
'Close file and exit
Close #FNumber
End Function
The error I get when running test() is
"Run-time error 52:
Bad file name or number"
However, the file name is an allowed one ("foo.txt") and the file
number is surely ok, since I get it using the intrinsic VB function
FreeFile, which returns an Integer corresponding to a free file
number. So I really don't know what's happening here. Can you help me?
Best Regards