canot resize certain objects


Andrew J Farrow

hi -- is there more than one protection system on certain objects ??

when i try to resive the elevator or frieght elevator it " flys " off at a
tangent -- litterally it ends up off the page

i am trying to use the " elevator " shape as a dumb waiter type opbject --
so need to resise it to 1.0m *0.8m in a 4 *9m room

what am i doing wrong

i have done the " obvious " of select > right click > format > protection >
select none

ideas ?? TIA


If it is a Visio-provided shape, it may have Guarded formulas in it's

- Select the shape
- Choose Window > Show ShapeSheet.
- Choose View > Show Formulas.
- Look in the Object Transform section.
- See if Width, Height, PinX, PinY have GUARD( ) around their formulas. This
could cause trouble.

Remove the GUARD( ) and you'll be able to resize the shape. However you
might cause other shapes to go crazy !: )

Hope this helps,

Chris Roth
Visio MVP

old bublis

I need to have posibility tu resize height and width of table shape in
database model.

The shape of table consists of two boxes - "title" box and "atribute" box.
Deleting the formula in Width in Shape Transform section of ShapeSheet
enables resizing of width of the whole shape.
Removing the Guard function in Height causes that "atribute" box enables
moving down but not resize its height.

What formula enables to do it?
How can I set this property as default for all database tables of model?

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