Can't access Hotmail through Outlook Express or Outlook 2003



I've done all suggested above. Now, I have another
problem. First let me say that because of a virus, in
another forum, I used LSPFix, Bazooka, NewNet,
HijackThis, SpyBot, Spywareblaster, Stinger, CWShredder,
and Ad-Aware SE Personal to rid my system of unwanted
virus. Now I'm having problems with control issues, I
can't control what my IE Browser does, e.g. something is
correcting my homepage, if I change it, it's
automatically changed back to MSN; some pages, e.g., because it's a known Adware and Spyware
danger, I can't even access, and I keep getting message
that send me to Tools, Internet Options, Privacy or
whatever, but still I can't access certain web pages or
features. As pertains to Outlook 2003 and Outlook
Express, recently I lost my ability to access As you know, Outlook Express has a feature
that allows one to have their Hotmail downloaded
automatically, but for the past two days, and I'm not
sure what I did, other than I did go into Spybot, trying
to understand it better, and made some changes. The
result is, whether it's Spybot, or a combineation of Spy
and Adwares I've been using to protect my system, that
when I run Outlook Express, or even Outlook 2003, I
receive this message:

"Unable to poll for new messages on your HTTP server.
Account: 'Hotmail',
Server: '
', Protocol: HTTPMail, Server Response: 'Authorization
Required', Port: 0, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number:
0x800CCC32." quotation marks are mine.

And that single Error Message is after I deleted my
hotmail account on Outlook Express, rebooted, then re-
enter the account hoping that re-installation of my
account would clear things, but it only changed to one
Error Message, where prior, Express would run the "Logon
Hotmail" popup window showing the Server address and
asking for my User Name and Password, as I tried to get
past that by re-entering info, Outlook Express would run
through and give Error Message for each Synchro item,
such as all the folders I had checked, but after deleting
the accoutn and re-entering it, I get only one Error
Message listed above.

Bottom line, I can't use Outlook Express or Outlook 2003
to access my Hotmail account and the Error Message above,
after deleting and re-entering Hotmail, is the only Info
I get. I can access Outlook, but because I have Hotmail
enter as an account, I get this Error Message. CAn
anyone help?

P.S. If possible, please e-mail help.

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