Can't access the newsgroups



Hi All...........
At work I access the Excel Newsgroups via the Microsoft communites
discussion site. Our MIS dept won't let us get Newsgroups on OE. The last
2 days I have been unable to access the groups.........I can get there, and
see the list of headers, but cannot see the individual messages, and get a
"Error on Page" message. I sent Microsoft an email, but you know how that
goes.........Is there some problem with the site, or maybe a switch that a
new update set as default for me, or might this be some new "security"
blessing that MIS has bestowed on me?

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

Jim Cone

Hi Chuck,
I use Outlook Express, but I just tried the Microsoft site
(from home, on XP) and this post shows up and can be read in the Excel
General Questions group. I don't see a Misc. group which is the group
this message shows up in OE???
For what it is worth, here is the direct link...

Jim Cone
San Francisco, USA

Hi All...........
At work I access the Excel Newsgroups via the Microsoft communites
discussion site. Our MIS dept won't let us get Newsgroups on OE. The last
2 days I have been unable to access the groups.........I can get there, and
see the list of headers, but cannot see the individual messages, and get a
"Error on Page" message. I sent Microsoft an email, but you know how that
goes.........Is there some problem with the site, or maybe a switch that a
new update set as default for me, or might this be some new "security"
blessing that MIS has bestowed on me?

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

Mike Rogers


I had the same thing happening on Sun and most of Mon, then things started
to work and have been since then. It is my assumption that they were doing
something on their end and got it straightened out. It was not on my end
because I tried on three machines and got the same result all three times.
Seems to work for me now!!!!

Mike Rogers

Hope this sheds some light!!!


Thanks Jim.........
I hope it works tomorrow..........

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3


Thanks Mike........
At least I know now that I'm not alone.........hopefully tomorrow they will
be back in gear.

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

Gary''s Student

I noticed the same thing. It didn't matter if if was Win 2000 or Win XP,
didn't matter if it was IE6 or IE7 or even Firefox.

All is good now.


I also had the same problem - on two machines, one with IE 6 and another with
IE 7, and yet I had a laptop available with IE 7 that things worked fine on.
I'm not sure where the problem was (seems to have cleared up for me also).
All 3 machines are working just fine this evening.

I noticed in the IE discussion group that there were at least 2 or 3 other
people with the same problem.

I got so frustrated I contacted my MVP lead and have received email from him
that at the time (early this morning) he was going to try to escalate the
issue. Whether or not that had anything to do with it getting repaired, I
don't know.

In the meantime, I made a suggestion that an added control up near the [Sign
In] and [Help] links that would allow sending a notification of things like
problems like that one, porn links, spam etc would be a really useful thing
to have at times like this - that the problem could have possibly been taken
care if hours instead of days. Then again, maybe I just dream too much.


Great idea JL.........with that, then the ones who know there's a problem
could tell those that may not know.........I had a heck of a time trying to
make contact with Microsoft, by email and by phone and never did actually
have the confidence that my information got through........

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

JLatham said:
I also had the same problem - on two machines, one with IE 6 and another with
IE 7, and yet I had a laptop available with IE 7 that things worked fine on.
I'm not sure where the problem was (seems to have cleared up for me also).
All 3 machines are working just fine this evening.

I noticed in the IE discussion group that there were at least 2 or 3 other
people with the same problem.

I got so frustrated I contacted my MVP lead and have received email from him
that at the time (early this morning) he was going to try to escalate the
issue. Whether or not that had anything to do with it getting repaired, I
don't know.

In the meantime, I made a suggestion that an added control up near the [Sign
In] and [Help] links that would allow sending a notification of things like
problems like that one, porn links, spam etc would be a really useful thing
to have at times like this - that the problem could have possibly been taken
care if hours instead of days. Then again, maybe I just dream too much.

CLR said:
Hi All...........
At work I access the Excel Newsgroups via the Microsoft communites
discussion site. Our MIS dept won't let us get Newsgroups on OE. The last
2 days I have been unable to access the groups.........I can get there, and
see the list of headers, but cannot see the individual messages, and get a
"Error on Page" message. I sent Microsoft an email, but you know how that
goes.........Is there some problem with the site, or maybe a switch that a
new update set as default for me, or might this be some new "security"
blessing that MIS has bestowed on me?

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3


Thanks also to everybody else who passed along their
input..........hopefully when I get to work tomorrow, all will be

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3


Here's another nutso thing.........I sent a post responding to JL's post at
10:10 and another to the rest of the group at 10:11. The second post got to
the group but the first still hasn't at 10:20, BUT, it did get to the net
via my ISP newserver.........maybe more than just the one problem going

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

JLatham said:
I also had the same problem - on two machines, one with IE 6 and another with
IE 7, and yet I had a laptop available with IE 7 that things worked fine on.
I'm not sure where the problem was (seems to have cleared up for me also).
All 3 machines are working just fine this evening.

I noticed in the IE discussion group that there were at least 2 or 3 other
people with the same problem.

I got so frustrated I contacted my MVP lead and have received email from him
that at the time (early this morning) he was going to try to escalate the
issue. Whether or not that had anything to do with it getting repaired, I
don't know.

In the meantime, I made a suggestion that an added control up near the [Sign
In] and [Help] links that would allow sending a notification of things like
problems like that one, porn links, spam etc would be a really useful thing
to have at times like this - that the problem could have possibly been taken
care if hours instead of days. Then again, maybe I just dream too much.

CLR said:
Hi All...........
At work I access the Excel Newsgroups via the Microsoft communites
discussion site. Our MIS dept won't let us get Newsgroups on OE. The last
2 days I have been unable to access the groups.........I can get there, and
see the list of headers, but cannot see the individual messages, and get a
"Error on Page" message. I sent Microsoft an email, but you know how that
goes.........Is there some problem with the site, or maybe a switch that a
new update set as default for me, or might this be some new "security"
blessing that MIS has bestowed on me?

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

Rookie 1st class

I saw the same after a destructive reboot. Thought I had screwed up and did
it again. Microsoft owes me a case of carbonated beverage!!!

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