Can't activate 60 day trial for OneNote



Messenge comes up and says it connot connect. Chech to make sure you are
connected. All check done access to internet avaiable, but activation wizard
still can't find connection. Is there a setting I should change. I'm running
XP pro.


Roan Kang (MS)

Hi Brent,

We'd really like to help you solve this problem, but in order to do so, we
unfortunately need more details from you.

1. First, do you mind giving us your email address? That way we can
contact you directly to help solve your problem.
2. Where did you get your copy of OneNote? Did you buy it at retail, did
it come preinstalled on your computer, did you download a trial version, etc.?
3. What type of Internet Connection are you using (type – Cable, DSL,
Dial-up, company T-1 connection, etc.)?
4. Who is the Provider of the connection (e.g. Verizon, ComCast, Netscape)?
5. What method do you use to connect to the Internet (Direct to the modem,
via a Wireless Router of type xxxx, etc.)?
6. Can you confirm that you are running Microsoft Windows XP Professional?
Do you know if you have SP1 or SP2?
7. What other Office applications do you have on your PC (including
versions--Office 2000, Office XP, Office 2003, etc.)?
8. What is the precise error message that you receive? Can you tell us
what the exact steps you are taking that lead to the error message?

Thanks very much for your patience.

Roan Kang (MS)
The OneNote Team


Thank you

Roan Kang (MS) said:
Hi Brent,

We'd really like to help you solve this problem, but in order to do so, we
unfortunately need more details from you.

1. First, do you mind giving us your email address? That way we can
contact you directly to help solve your problem. (e-mail address removed)
2. Where did you get your copy of OneNote? Did you buy it at retail, did
it come preinstalled on your computer, did you download a trial version, etc.?
I downloaded it from
3. What type of Internet Connection are you using (type – Cable, DSL,
Dial-up, company T-1 connection, etc.)? Company T-1 connection
4. Who is the Provider of the connection (e.g. Verizon, ComCast, Netscape)? I believe it is X-mission
5. What method do you use to connect to the Internet (Direct to the modem,
via a Wireless Router of type xxxx, etc.)?
I click on the desktop icon and enter the companies network. I have to
provide a user name and password for conneciton outside of the corp. domain.
6. Can you confirm that you are running Microsoft Windows XP Professional? I am using Windows XP Pro SP2
Do you know if you have SP1 or SP2? SP2
7. What other Office applications do you have on your PC (including
versions--Office 2000, Office XP, Office 2003, etc.)? MS Office 2000, and Visio 2002
8. What is the precise error message that you receive? Can you tell us
what the exact steps you are taking that lead to the error message?
I click on the OneNote icon in my programs menu. MS office OneNote 2003
Activation Wizard pops up. The box says," Thank you for installing Microsoft
Office OneNote 2003. You must activate you installation to fully enable all
of the features. This wisard will guide you through the activation process."
"How do you want to activate your copy of the softtware?"
I've clicked the radio button..."I want to activate the software over the
internet." (Recommended) Then I click on next and the following pops up;
Microsoft Office OneNote 2003
Activation Wizard
Next the following pops up; The Activation Wizard is unable to find a
connection to the internet. Please make sure that your connection is working
properly and then retry activation in a few minutes. I then click Ok and
return to the box that allows me to choose next to activate through the

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