Can't activate web links



I have set up a web site from scratch with a navigation bar on each page. I
can't get the home page to come up first then have the other links follow in
a requested order. From left to right they are in order, from right to left
they are jumbled. The colour format did not work for my 'followed hyperlinks'
either so l dont know what page l am on either. How can l stabilise home page
link and have others follow as they should be?


I have read your question several times, but still don't understand what you
are asking. Web pages are not linear...they can be in any order. Are you
talking about your Publisher file, or your web pages? Please explain left to
right...right to left...those words don't fit with web pages???? Perhaps you
are wanting to reorder the links on your navbar (from Help):
You can change the order in which links appear on a navigation bar. If you
reorder links on the navigation bar, it will not change the actual order of
pages in your Web publication. Similarly, if you move the pages in your
publication, it will not reorder the corresponding links on the navigation

1.. Select the navigation bar that you want to change.
2.. On the Format menu, click Navigation Bar Properties, and then click
the General tab.
3.. Under Links, click the link that you want to move, and then click
either Move Up or Move Down to move the link.
4.. Repeat step 3 until all of the links are arranged in the order that
you want, and then click OK.

As per your "followed hyperlinks", perhaps you have misunderstood the
concept. Once you publish your site, and use a link once, then it changes
color to the "followed" color, or in other words, you "followed" that link.
It does not change color as to which page you are on. I believe that some of
the navbars in Pub 2003 do show a highlight of sorts on the button when you
are on that page, but that is not affected by the "followed hyperlinks".

If I guessed wrong, please rephrase your question about your navbar, and we
will try to help.



Hi David. When l click on the links from left to right they show the right
page with the corresponding link. If l click from the right side of
page(link) and continue to click links across, the pages do not match the
links .eg. the 'contact us' link will reveal the 'home' page and so on.

I am talking about my web pages that are designed in Publisher, but not
using a wizard, just my own design starting on a blank sheet. Each of these
are separate pages with my business logo on the top of each one.l did not use
a master page as each of my pages are different lengths with a frame around
each one. In effect,the links are not staying with the matched pages like
normal. Regardless of where I click the corresponding page should show i
would have thought. I inserted a nav bar on each page as they suggest for
separate page, so l figured they should all relate to each other?

I have downloaded service pack 1&2 for publisher off MS website to see if
that helped and it didn't. I have reordered the links several times and tried
various things but it won't stabilise. Hope this helps makes things a bit
clearer. Thanks for the tip on hyperlink colours, l didn't realise they only
worked after publishing to the web.


I'm sorry, but it still isn't clear to me what in the world you are doing.
Some questions:
Are all your pages in one Pub document?
Have you created more than one navbar, where one works correctly, and the
other doesn't? Is this the left to right, right to left stuff?
Is this when you are previewing the webpage, or are you talking about the
status bar at the bottom of the Pub document?
Is your page actually posted...if so, what is the URL?
Have you run the design checker?

I still can't get my head around this left to right stuff. If your navbar is
created correctly, it should not matter which button or link you click, in
what order. That link if written correctly should take you to the correct
page. If a button is labeled as 'contact us', but it takes you to your
'home' page, then the link is incorrectly written. Did the instructions I
included about how to reorder your links in your navbar address your

Post back with answers to the questions above, and maybe I will understand.
In the meantime, it probably is not helping that you "have a frame around
each page"??? If you have a multipage Publisher web document, all the pages
are by default, one length: 4,608 pixels. However, when you publish your
site, Publisher will automatically shorten your page to just beyond the last
element on the page. If you have a page with content that covers 4,000
pixels of the length, then that will be the length of the resulting page. If
you have a page with content that only covers 150 pixels, that will the
length of the published page. You do not draw a frame around a page to
change the length, nor do you even have to create more than one Pub doc to
accommodate pages of different lengths...that is automatically done in Pub
2003 (not 2002).



Hi David. I have designed my web site within publisher using a separate page
for each subject eg: home, about us, the team etc. I have 7 links. No, l have
not published this to the web yet therefore have no URL. When i preview the
website the links are still not matching the pages when l click from the
right to left, but are in order from left to right when clicked on.

I have put a navigation bar on each page all with the same links, so they
should match each other l would think. Maybe the problem is in the fact that
l should have one master page with one nav bar and then have the information
for other pages fall in underneath that master page.

I thought that if you use a master page it has set perimeters that you work
within eg: page length,width etc. so l designed mine with separate pages to
accomodate varying lengths etc.

There is a website called that you can view. Click on the
links and view all the pages. This is how mine looks, only l cant get the
links working properly. You will see the layout with the borders around each

All of my pages are in the one document. When creating the site l just kept
inserting a new page and created my layout on each one and then put the nav
bar on each page. I used insert nav bar from exisiting webpage and that put
the same nav bar on each page as it was copied across to each page. i know
its a bit confusing. I may have to start the whole thing again using a master
page, but l have put all the work in to this site and really don't want to
start again.

I have reordered the links several times in format nav bars to no avail. i
think there is something wrong in the set up of the actual nav bar with
separate pages, but l still have no idea how to correct it. There are no
trainers in Cairns where l live (no, they were not blown away in the Cyclone)
, only townsville, and one person suggested l use front page, but l don't
really need something so involved.

Hope this info hepls some more, so see what you think after previewing the
other website.Thank heaps, appreciate your feedback.



Princess said:
Hi David. I have designed my web site within publisher using a separate page
for each subject eg: home, about us, the team etc. I have 7 links. No, l have
not published this to the web yet therefore have no URL. When i preview the
website the links are still not matching the pages when l click from the
right to left, but are in order from left to right when clicked on.

I have put a navigation bar on each page all with the same links, so they
should match each other l would think. Maybe the problem is in the fact that
l should have one master page with one nav bar and then have the information
for other pages fall in underneath that master page.

I thought that if you use a master page it has set perimeters that you work
within eg: page length,width etc. so l designed mine with separate pages to
accomodate varying lengths etc.

There is a website called that you can view. Click on the
links and view all the pages. This is how mine looks, only l cant get the
links working properly. You will see the layout with the borders around each

All of my pages are in the one document. When creating the site l just kept
inserting a new page and created my layout on each one and then put the nav
bar on each page. I used insert nav bar from exisiting webpage and that put
the same nav bar on each page as it was copied across to each page. i know
its a bit confusing. I may have to start the whole thing again using a master
page, but l have put all the work in to this site and really don't want to
start again.

I have reordered the links several times in format nav bars to no avail. i
think there is something wrong in the set up of the actual nav bar with
separate pages, but l still have no idea how to correct it. There are no
trainers in Cairns where l live (no, they were not blown away in the Cyclone)
, only townsville, and one person suggested l use front page, but l don't
really need something so involved.

Hope this info hepls some more, so see what you think after previewing the
other website.Thank heaps, appreciate your feedback.


Ok, first of all if you are using a master page, then that might be the root
of your problems. The master page is for print docs only, as it messes up
links in a web page. So before I go on with other possible problems, if you
are using a master page, then redo your pages and put all the content on the
page. If you want to create a look like the sample you included then read
the article about Background Padding for some ideas:

If you aren't using a master page, then post back and this time tell me
which version of Publisher you are using...and I'll offer some other
solutions about fixing your navbar.



I am using Publisher 2003 within MS Office Pro on a Windows XP PRO platform.

I have not used a master page. All of my pages are just separate pages eg:
one page for 'home', one for 'about us', one for 'the team' etc. The other
thing i should mention is that l wanted to have my nav bar names without the
arrow next to it, but this seem to be part of the nav bar for publisher, it
would not allow me to delete the arrow.

I have changed the text to look like the site you viewed, only l have a
white arrow next to each link. Do you know if i can remove the arrow just to
have plain text? i also notice that my 'home' link is slightly out of
alignment with the others on the nav bar and l cant get that aligned either,
'home' could be the problem. Hope this info helps. Thanks.



I think that you would be best off replacing your navbar, and this is fairly
easy with Pub 2003. First of all do a Save As and make a new copy of your
Pub file to work on, so you can save your original.

Select each navbar on each page and either go to Edit > Delete Object, or
just cut. Then make sure your pages are in the order that you want them to
appear on your navbar. Then
1.. On the Insert menu, point to Navigation Bar, and then click New.
2.. In the Design Gallery dialog box, on the Objects by Category tab,
click the navigation bar design that you want. If you don't like the arrow
on your old design, then choose a different design, but you cannot change
the different designs.
3.. Click Insert Object.
4.. In the Create New Navigation Bar dialog box, type a name for the
navigation bar in the Name box, or let it use the default.
5.. Under Insert Options, choose Insert on every page.
6.. Under Automatic update, select Update this navigation bar with links
to existing pages in the publication, and then click OK.
Then assuming that you are using a horizontal navbar, you can change the
1.. Select the navigation bar that you want to change.
2.. On the Format menu, click Navigation Bar Properties, and then click
the Style tab.
3.. Under Orientation and alignment, do one of the following:
a.. To select a vertical navigation bar, click Vertical (column of
b.. To select a horizontal navigation bar, click Horizontal (row of
Then drag your new navbars into place on each page, and do a web preview to

Good luck...DavidF


David F,

Thanks for the advice on replacing the nav bar. finally now l can create a
web site with the know how on the nav bar situation. I followed your
instructions and it worked perfectly. The site looks great and is now ready
to be published to the web once l am ready to launch the business. Thanks so
much for you patience in helping me get this sorted. If l have any other
problems, l will let you know. (I'm still green)

Kind regards,



Thanks for posting back. The feedback is always appreciated...especially if
it is good news! I am glad things worked out for you.




Princess said:
Hi David. I have designed my web site within publisher using a separate page
for each subject eg: home, about us, the team etc. I have 7 links. No, l have
not published this to the web yet therefore have no URL. When i preview the
website the links are still not matching the pages when l click from the
right to left, but are in order from left to right when clicked on.

I have put a navigation bar on each page all with the same links, so they
should match each other l would think. Maybe the problem is in the fact that
l should have one master page with one nav bar and then have the information
for other pages fall in underneath that master page.

I thought that if you use a master page it has set perimeters that you work
within eg: page length,width etc. so l designed mine with separate pages to
accomodate varying lengths etc.

There is a website called that you can view. Click on the
links and view all the pages. This is how mine looks, only l cant get the
links working properly. You will see the layout with the borders around each

All of my pages are in the one document. When creating the site l just kept
inserting a new page and created my layout on each one and then put the nav
bar on each page. I used insert nav bar from exisiting webpage and that put
the same nav bar on each page as it was copied across to each page. i know
its a bit confusing. I may have to start the whole thing again using a master
page, but l have put all the work in to this site and really don't want to
start again.

I have reordered the links several times in format nav bars to no avail. i
think there is something wrong in the set up of the actual nav bar with
separate pages, but l still have no idea how to correct it. There are no
trainers in Cairns where l live (no, they were not blown away in the Cyclone)
, only townsville, and one person suggested l use front page, but l don't
really need something so involved.

Hope this info hepls some more, so see what you think after previewing the
other website.Thank heaps, appreciate your feedback.



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