can't add new records



I cannot add new records in my one and only form. It is not bound to any queries (I haven't created any queries yet), and all the forms it is bound to have the "arrow asterix" button in the last row, so I can add data directly to each table. But for some reason, both "arrow asterix" buttons (in the navigation bar at the bottom of the form and in the toolbar at the top of the screen) are "greyed out," which prevents me from entering new data through the form. Since I have about ten tables, with data in the form going to/coming from all of them, it would be a real pain to have to do data entry directly in each table.

Also, I have already checked the preferences for the table, and both "allow additions" and "data entry" are both enabled.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide...


Rick Brandt

ak420 said:
I cannot add new records in my one and only form. It is not bound to any
queries (I haven't created any queries yet), and all the forms it is bound to
have the "arrow asterix" button in the last row, so I can add data directly to
each table. But for some reason, both "arrow asterix" buttons (in the
navigation bar at the bottom of the form and in the toolbar at the top of the
screen) are "greyed out," which prevents me from entering new data through the
form. Since I have about ten tables, with data in the form going to/coming from
all of them, it would be a real pain to have to do data entry directly in each
Also, I have already checked the preferences for the table, and both "allow
additions" and "data entry" are both enabled.

If the form is trying to write data to more than one table then you HAVE created
a query. It is just not saved as a separate object in the db window. If you
look at your Form's RecordSource most likely the first word is "SELECT". That
means your form is using a query saved as a SQL string within the RowSource
property of the form.

This is perfectly OK, but multi-table queries are often not updateable and the
more tables in the query the more likely it will not be updateable (with 10 it
is almost a certainty).

I have very seldom ever used a multi-table query for binding to a form (even a
two table one). There are other ways to pull in data from related tables that
you want to see and for editing you would ordinarily use subforms within a main
form instead of trying to add all of the tables to a single form's RecordSource.

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