Can't assign Cmd+Shift+P to FileDocumentLayout


Tim Murray

In Word 2008, assigning Cmd+Shift+P to the FileDocumentLayout command
does not work; Word still does a "new" doc using the Project Gallery.

Do others see this?


Hi Peter;

I think that's because Project Gallery is a separate app shared by all of
the Office programs, so the keystroke is universal. In fact, IIRC, the only
reason it worked on a restart of Word is that you had no other Office apps
open when you changed the assignment & Quit Word. If one of the other apps
had been active & remained open I believe the stroke still would not have

Peter Jamieson

You could well be right that closing all Office apps (or something more
drastic than closing Word) is necessary to make the change in the
general case. That said, I just checked here and if I make the same
change while Excel is open, then Quit Word and re-open Word,
a. the new keystroke assignment is active in Word
b. cmd-shift-P still opens the Project gallery in Excel
c. a restart of Excel doesn't reset the keystroke globally in Office
or specifically in Word

but maybe changing the assignment while other Office components are
running has a different outcome?

Peter Jamieson

Tim Murray

Here, I see what you see until I close Word (and normal.dotm is saved)
and re-open, then Cmd-Shift-P does FileDocumentlayout.

Yes, that's what I see now. I simply never bothered to try again!

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