Can't change column width with mouse


Peter A

Now and then I find that I cannot change a column width by dragging its
border. As I drag everything appears to be working, but when I release
the mouse button it snaps back to the original width. I cannot figure
out the cause, any ideas?

Word 2003



It's affected by other settings in the Table Properties: whether the table
as a whole has a preferred width setting, and whether the columns are set to

Peter A

Thanks for your reply, but this does not seem to be the problem. Giving
the table a preferred width does not reproduce the problem, nor does
using the AutoFit to Contents command. Can you be more specific?


Klaus Linke

Peter A said:
Thanks for your reply, but this does not seem to be the problem. Giving
the table a preferred width does not reproduce the problem, nor does
using the AutoFit to Contents command. Can you be more specific?

AutoFit to Contents looks like it's a command, but it really sets two
different properties for the table: One that allows the table to AutoFit,
and another for the type of AutoFit (to Contents).

Word 2003 automatically sets the "AllowAutoFit" property to false when you
try to change a column or cell width, but I'm not sure older versions
behaved the same way.
You might want to make sure the property is unchecked in "Tables >
Properties... > Tables tab > Options...".

Additionally you could set AutoFit to fixed width.
(This always unchecks the former property if it was checked)

Not sure it'll help, but it's as good a guess as any I think.

I've complained a few times that the interface should show the current
AutoFit setting(s) for each table.
At the very least, the current setting should get a check mark if you open
the AutoFit menu.
Better would be a visual indicator, say a formatting mark to the left of the
table in Normal View.

Word is pretty slow with large tables... Maybe it might help if you kept the
mouse button at the new width a second or two?
Also BTW, which Word version is this?


Evgenia Kagan

If you are working with a protected document, you might want to check this
microsoft article:
It discusses the issue similar to yours:
"You cannot drag the columns of a table that is in an unprotected section of
a protected document in Word 2003"

Evgenia Kagan

If you are working in an unprotected section of a protected document, then
your issue is discussed in Microsoft article here:
"You cannot drag the columns of a table that is in an unprotected section of

a protected document in Word 2003"
The article provides a fix - a windows registry key needs to be added.
It fixes the tables's columns issue.
I found another problem, this time I cannot resize a picture in an
unportected section by dragging its border. I was not able to find a fix for
it, though.

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