Can't change height of group header



There is a report I run from a database that will not allow me to change the
group header height setting. It is stuck at 22", and whether I try to reduce
the height by typing the desired value into the properties window or by
dragging the next section up, it goes back to 22". This puts about 3 blank
pages in before the details section. I can change other header/footer
heights in the report with no problem. This problem only arose after
converting the file to Access 2007 format.

Thanks in advance,

Allen Browne

If you cannot reduce the height in design view, then there is something
right at the bottom -- perhaps a line control?

Drag the mouse over the bottom section to select the control(s) there, and
then either delete them or move them up.


I had a similar thought, but unfortunately I'm unable to locate any errant
control at the bottom of the group header section. I did a CTRL-A and
nothing is selected down there. I've also checked the heights and top
position properites of all controls within the section. Also checked all
controls in the Detail, Page Footer, and Report Footer sections below it.



There was a line within the group header section at a -0.0417 top setting.
Deleting that solved the problem. Found by going through property sheet
dropdown choices one by one.


Allen Browne

Wow: that's worth keeping in mind.

A control with a *negative* Top value can cause the section to go maximum

Thanks for posting the solution.

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