Can't change resource type



In 2007 server, I have a resource in the pool that is of typ Material. I
want to change it to Type Cost. When I open Edit Detail, the Type box is
greyed and I can't change it. What am I missing

Dale Howard [MVP]

jlbreyer --

Once you create an enterprise resource, the system locks the Type field and
you cannot change it. The only way around this is to inactivate (or delete)
the old resource and create a new one. This is not a bug. This is the
design of the tool and you cannot change this behavior. Hope this helps.

Zulf Janmohamed


It's not that simple, material type resources may have quantities and work
may have units (10%, 50% etc.). Just changing the resource type within the
server would result in problems. Even if you open up the enterprise resources
in project professional 2007, the change will warn you that all information
will be deleted and the necessary fields (unit, cost etc.) are reset. Mind
you this resource may have already been assigned and some costs already
allocated to tasks.

Best practise is to recreate the new resource and reassign it to tasks and
remove the old resource from the plan if it is not required, but be careful
to understand the impact this will have on the project plan.

I hope this helps.

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