Can't change the Back Color of my List Box

  • Thread starter Cindy Minor-Jones
  • Start date

Cindy Minor-Jones

Hello. I have created a MS ACCESS 2007 form that allows the user to update data. I converted 2 of the fields to list boxes. The BackCOlor is black and no matter what I have tried, it will not change. Has anyone else ever experienced this? Can any one tell me what I've done wrong?

Gina Whipp


What happens if you add a list box can you change the BackColor?

Gina Whipp
2010 Microsoft MVP (Access)

"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors

Hello. I have created a MS ACCESS 2007 form that allows the user to update
data. I converted 2 of the fields to list boxes. The BackCOlor is black
and no matter what I have tried, it will not change. Has anyone else ever
experienced this? Can any one tell me what I've done wrong?

Peter Hibbs


You are right, if you change the BackColor property and then run the
form immediately, the color does not change. If you change the color
and then save the form by clicking the Save icon (or just move the
cursor to another property) it then does make the color change.

Does this work for you?

Peter Hibbs.

Cindy Minor-Jones

Peter thank you, I will try this. Gina - I will try adding a box and see what happens as well. Initially, I convert the text box that was associated with the field when I added it. I will try these things and let you know.

Cindy MinorJones

OK, now you're really goingto think I'm losing it but, I chang the back color to black with awhite font and when I run the form the back oolor is white with a black font! So the solution for me was to change the backolor nd font to the oppsite. I'll take t fornow but sure would ike to know f others have this problem and/or if it is somehing in my ettngs causing the problem.

Peter Hibbs


That is not what I see in my tests.

I have a List box control where the Back Color property shows #000000
and the Fore Color property shows #FFFFFF. When the form is run the
List box shows white text on a black background (except for the line
that has the focus, of course, which shows as black text on a white

What are the values of those properties on your control. If they are
the same then there must be something else going on here.

Peter Hibbs.

Cindy Minor-Jones

Peter - The values for the fields that I added to the form from my table and did NOT convert to list boxes are BackColor #FFFFFF and ForeColor#000000. When I run my form they show up with white background black text, they also look this way in Design view

The fileds that I brought from my table and converted to the list boxes are (opposite)BackColor #000000 and ForeColor#FFFFFF. This also gives me the same result as above, white background with black font, when I run the form only. In design view the list boxes are showing up with Blackground and White font

I know, it is bizarre.

Cindy Minor-Jones

Oh boy, I think I know what it is, it is the list box selector bar. Now, it stays black once a person changes the selection. And, since I have 2 listboxes, if they make changes in both, box boxes stay black. This looks terrible. At least I know what it is now. I can work on a solution.

Peter Hibbs


I don't know what else to suggest as I tried the same thing and it
seems to work OK. Perhaps the form is corrupted or maybe there is some
setting that is causing this. Perhaps you should start a new form and
see what happens then (and don't convert a Text box to a List box just
in case that is the problem).

Perhas someone else has another suggestion.

Peter Hibbs.

Peter Hibbs


Interesting. Let us know how you get on, it could be useful for other
programmers in the future.

Peter Hibbs.

Cindy Minor-Jones

Peter - Thank you so much for all your time and effort. I will definitely let you know what I find. This is one of those issues that I can't let go of now. I MUST know!

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