Can't click on links in OneNote 2007



I'm working with a trial version of OneNote 2007 which is also OEM so no
support from MS. I'm actually considering purchasing a non-OEM version this
program from but only if I can get functionality out of it.

Whenever I click on a link on any page within OneNote I get the error
message "This operation has been canceled due to restrictions in effect on
this computer. Please contact your system administrator."

I am the system administrator. This happens whether I try it under a
standard user or a user who is a member of the administrators group. I did a
search for error message in the knowledge base and I could only find
references to an error with IE. The little code you get when you press
Ctrl-Shift-I is 700798. I couldn't find that in the knowledge base.

Google searches for the error message only nets me Outlook 2003 issues.

I do have a default browser selected. My firewall is set to allow OneNote
internet access. I honestly can't figure out anything else to troubleshoot.

Help would be appreciated.


Grant Robertson

Whenever I click on a link on any page within OneNote I get the error
message "This operation has been canceled due to restrictions in effect on
this computer. Please contact your system administrator."

I am having similar problems with almost all of my software that uses
links, except for my web browsers. It started with error messages when I
tried to use links within OneNote. Then OneNote would just start locking
up when I clicked the link. Now almost all software that allows links is
starting to lock up when I click a link but only after I have been using
the computer for a while.

I know this is a OneNote usegroup not a Windows newsgroup but perhaps you
are starting to see the same thing I am having. Please watch and see if
you have trouble when clicking on links using any of your other programs
that display links such as your e-mail software or your newsreader.

Thank you.


I have found the answer to my problem in the cnet forums and thought I would
post my solution here in case it works for someone else. This link has a solution on the 14 Sept
2006 entry.

Basically this was the paragraph that saved me:

"So, go to “Start†- “Default Programs†and then hit “Set programs access
and computer defaults†(Also available from IE Menu -> Internet Options ->
Programs -> Set Programs). User Account Control will ask you to proceed,
choose “Continueâ€, then select “Microsoft Windows†as configuration profile,
or other, the point here is to initialize the access settings.
Hit OK. Now access to the web should be reestablished."

Hope it works for you.

Josh Einstein

I believe this is a bug with Firefox. I recall this happening in Outlook if
you had Firefox installed *even if it was not your default browser*. I
believe they fixed it but I don't know for sure.

Grant Robertson

I believe this is a bug with Firefox. I recall this happening in Outlook if
you had Firefox installed *even if it was not your default browser*. I
believe they fixed it but I don't know for sure.

I think it is Microsoft up to their old tricks. It didn't start until I
installed IE 7.0. I have been around since the "DOS isn't done till Lotus
won't run." days. Alomost all of these problems eventually get traced
back to Microsoft changing the Windows code so that some competitor's
program won't work right any more.

Josh Einstein

Well the problem I'm referring to was Mozilla's fault. Yes, they write buggy
software too.

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