can't copy slide show on disc to powerpoint.



I am using powerpoint 2002 installed from the office XP
pro disc. Recently I got a powerpoint slide show on a
CD.My problem is I can't transfer what's on the disc to
the P.P program. I get the message that "Powerpoint cannot
open the type of file represented by the CD drive" Are
there different versions of P.P? Anybody have any ideas????

Glen Millar


Absolute first thing to do is to transfer the presentation to your hard
drive and try to open it there.


Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP
Please tell us your ppt version, and get back to us here
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Glen Millar


We must be getting closer <g>? The following is a list of things to try:

I wonder why do you have to click "All Files" to see it? Does it have a
strange extension? One thing you could also try is to go into Windows
Explorer and make sure the actual extension is being shown. Go to Windows
Explorer, Tools, Folder Options, View tab and get rid of "Hide extensions
for know file types". That would make sure it doesn't just look like a ppt
file but it isn't. And please get back as we are keen to try and get it


Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP
Please tell us your ppt version, and get back to us here
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Glen I unchecked the hide extension box but still no
luck. I do seem to have the program in P.P When I go to
open with the "all files" box checked I have; Autorun, log
txt, which both open in P.P.It shows text But
PPview32exe, Runner bat, and Runner exe cannot be
opened, "P.P. cannot open the type of file represented"
What do we do now?

Jan Il

Glen I unchecked the hide extension box but still no
I'm confused. You haven't mentioned any PowerPoint ( ie, PPT or PPS ) files
in your list.
These are what PowerPoint will open.
What other files are on the CD?

Steve, I have been sent PPT slides via e-mail or CD, where the sender got
creative and used some extension other than the ppt or pps, not
understanding that, just because it is a certain program, the computer only
reads the extensions, not the documents themselves, so, it becomes like the
3 monkey's. Thus, I get a message that says it can't be opened. I have to
save the file to the hard drive, then go via explorer and manually change
the extension to ppt or pps before it can be opened. I have had the
experience with one of our computers that will not save any Word document
with the doc extension, therefore, if sent to another computer, it can't be
opened until the extention 'doc' is added. Perhaps John is not seeing the
ppt or pps extensions, as there may be some other extension that his
computer does not recognize, or none at all. But, maybe this might apply in
this case. Just a thought.

Jan :)


I am confused also...I listed every file that is on the
disc.I'm not too computer savy and know less about
powerpoint.My story is that I recieved a two disc training
presentation. I was told that I could watch it on any
computer with a CD drive but if I wanted the animation I
needed to put it on powerpoint....I have downloaded the
service patch I have unchecked the read only box,unchecked
the hide extension box.Now what

Glen Millar


Don't worry about not being computer savvy is not an issue. We are here to
help you. The truth is out there somewhere <g>.


I think we need more information.
First (and I apologise if you have told us this and I can't get it into my

When you start PowerPoint, how do you do it? Is it a PowerPoint program on
your start menu, or through something called a viewer? Do you get slides pop
up first when you run it, or does it go straight through to the open file
dialogue box?

Is there a file called either something.ppt or something.pps that you are
trying to open?


Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP
Please tell us your ppt version, and get back to us here
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Steve Rindsberg, PPTMVP

Steve, I have been sent PPT slides via e-mail or CD, where the sender got
creative and used some extension other than the ppt or pps, not
understanding that, just because it is a certain program, the computer only
reads the extensions, not the documents themselves, so, it becomes like the
3 monkey's. Thus, I get a message that says it can't be opened. I have to
save the file to the hard drive, then go via explorer and manually change
the extension to ppt or pps before it can be opened. I have had the
experience with one of our computers that will not save any Word document
with the doc extension, therefore, if sent to another computer, it can't be
opened until the extention 'doc' is added. Perhaps John is not seeing the
ppt or pps extensions, as there may be some other extension that his
computer does not recognize, or none at all. But, maybe this might apply in
this case. Just a thought.

And a good one!

Another possibility - the PPT is protected in some way; that is, it may be
zipped up or otherwise converted into something no-PPT-ish, then converted
back, run and destroyed on the fly when the CD runs.

Steve Rindsberg, PPTMVP

I am confused also...

Good! We'll understand one another better if we're on the same page. ;-)
Seriously, as Glen says, don't worry about your computer skill level.
Just try to give us the most complete info you can when we ask and we'll see
if we can get things going for ya.

Look at the CD in Windows Explorer and make us a list of all the files there
(including folders and their contents)

Then open RUNNER.BAT in Notepad and copy/paste the contents into your reply

I listed every file that is on the

Jan Il

Steve, I have been sent PPT slides via e-mail or CD, where the sender
And a good one!

Another possibility - the PPT is protected in some way; that is, it may be
zipped up or otherwise converted into something no-PPT-ish, then converted
back, run and destroyed on the fly when the CD runs.

Thanks for this added aspect. As I have not had this experience yet, I was
not aware of that possibility. It's a good point to keep in mind when
troubleshooting such problems. It could very well apply to other programs as
well, so I'll add this info to my 'lil bag of tricks, ... ;-))

Jan :)


I start P.P. with a icon on my desktop.and then I go to
file/ open and look for what i'm after. Nowhere is there a
file with ppt or pps extensions on the disc in question.
In one of the responses to my inquiry I read that the
extension can be changed. Do you think that might be a
problem here.Once again my version is 10.0.2627.10
installed from a office XP pro disc. Yes the truth IS out
there but in all his trying Mulder never found it...Thanks
for all your assistance...

Glen Millar


Actually, Runner is more of a custom file menu thingo. It may be a way of
pointing to the file to run. It may also need to install on the hard drive.
I really dunno, but maybe.


Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP
Please tell us your ppt version, and get back to us here
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John O

I think that to get to what is happening, we really need to know what is
that bat file. Anyone have any ideas how we can maybe print that file
without opening it?

Copy it to the HDD. Turn off the read-only attribute, then rename the file
to runner.txt. That *has* to open in Notepad...if the CD is burned properly
and the drive is working.

Or...In Word do File > Open > Recover text from any file > runner.bat and it
should open.


Open NotePad. Then open the bat file. You'll need to change the Files of
Type to "All Files" in order for the .bat file to reveal itself in the
Explorer dialog. I haven't read through the entire thread. Do we know that
the CD will autorun and play a presentation? It's always possible that the
file didn't get burned to the CD. Has John looked inside any folders on the
CD, or is he only looking in the root directory?

Steve Rindsberg, PPTMVP

Yes the truth IS out
there but in all his trying Mulder never found it...

Yeah, but Scully's hair is just red.
We've got Echo and hers is purple!

Steve Rindsberg, PPTMVP

John said:
Here are the files listed on windows explorer;1-Autorun 2-
log txt 3-PPview32exe 4-Runner bat 5-Runner exe. Thats
it.. And when I try to open Runner bat in note pad, note
pad freezes up and does not respond.I tried four times...
My P.P.2002 version is 10.0.2627.10 from the office XP pro

Try this:

Copy Runner.Bat to a folder on your hard drive.
Start notepad then choose File, Open and browse to the copy of Runner.bat on
the hard drive.
See if that helps.

While you're at it, do the same with log.txt

Again, copy/paste the contents of each into one of your replies here (no
need to do this for each reply - we'll all see it, no problem)


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