Can't create table



I don't know what the problem is... in one particular database when I try to
create a table either in Design view or by "entering data", I get these

"Invalid Argument" followed by "Microsoft Access can't open the table in
Datasheet view."

I am able to create tables in other databases, just not this particular one.
I currently have 36 tables. Is there a limit?

Thanks - Ben

John W. Vinson

I don't know what the problem is... in one particular database when I try to
create a table either in Design view or by "entering data", I get these

"Invalid Argument" followed by "Microsoft Access can't open the table in
Datasheet view."

I am able to create tables in other databases, just not this particular one.
I currently have 36 tables. Is there a limit?

Thanks - Ben

Access version? What service packs do you have applied? Have you Compacted the


2002 (10.6771.6839) SP3

Not compacted

I should also add that I was able to create tables but now I cannot. No
updates on my computer.



I wasn't able to compact the database - kept getting an "invalid argument"
error. I created a new MDB and then imported the data from the old MDB.
That did the trick!

Thanks for your help.

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