"Can't create the item" Solution



Hi everybody, just thought I'd share my experience with this (seemingly
very common) error message (with Outlook 2003)

Basically I was getting the error "Can't ceate the item" When clicking
a URL in any other application (IE, Excel etc), when Outlook was open.
Also I was getting the error message "Cannot start Microsoft Office
Outlook. Can't create the item" when Outlook was not open.

I noticed that the "Message" form was not listed in the Oulook
"Standard Forms Library". I had checked that the command line for the
URL:MailTo filetype was correct ("C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Office11\Oulook.exe" -c IPM.Note /m "%1") & had trawled google &
these newsgroups to no avail.

Just as I was on the verge of tearing my hair out, I found this
person's blog:


Which explains that it's the fault of the SCL form which works in
tandem with MS Exchange 2003's Intelligent Message Filter (IMF) which
I'd installed on my Outlook client. As soon as I'd done the following
(also outlined in her blog):

1. Removed the SCL form from Outlook 2003's Form Manager at:
Tools > Options > Other > Advanced Options > Custom Forms... > Manage
2. Cleared the Form Cache using the button in the Form Manager
3. Closed Outlook 2003 & deleted "frmcache.dat" - I searched for it &
it was located at: "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local
Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\FORMS"
4. Restarted Outlook 2003 & cleared the form cache in From Manager once
5. The issue was resolved!

Many thanks to this person for preventing me (& hopefully others) from
losing copious amounts of hair!

Hope this helps someone (anyone?)


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