Can't create the item


Glenn @ Maranatha

I have a terminal server in application mode. Outlook 03 is installed. Even
logged on as administrator, I can send and receive email just fine through
Outlook. If outlook is closed and i click on an email link in IE, I get the
following error: cannot start Microsoft Office Outlook. Can't create the
item. If Outlook is open and I click on an email link in IE, I get the
following error: Can't create the item. I have found the frmcache.dat file
and deleted it and restarted Outlook but it did not fix the problem. I looked
in the registery and found the key and it looks like this:
"C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~2\Office11\OUTLOOK.EXE" -c IPM.Note /m "%1" which I think
is right.

Any ideas?

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