Can't Delete complete word at one time



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange

I am pulling my hair out, for whatever the reason I can't seem to get Entourage to delete one word at a time. For example, in this dialog box if I want to delete lets say, this "word" after I get to the end, I simple hit "option" or "alt" and "backspace", then it deletes the full word, no matter how large or how many characters...for crying out loud I can get it to work in this message box, but not in Entourage. I have even tried remapping the delete message key thing it might be getting in the way, I even tried a combination of "fn" key and backspace, I have tried on a normal keyboard w/ "delete" key.

Please if someone knows how to get this to work, please let me know, it is extremely irritating when I am so use to quickly correcting a word while emailing. Thanks.

Barry Wainwright

Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange

I am pulling my hair out, for whatever the reason I can't seem to get Entourage to delete one word at a time. For example, in this dialog box if I want to delete lets say, this "word" after I get to the end, I simple hit "option" or "alt" and "backspace", then it deletes the full word, no matter how large or how many characters...for crying out loud I can get it to work in this message box, but not in Entourage. I have even tried remapping the delete message key thing it might be getting in the way, I even tried a combination of "fn" key and backspace, I have tried on a normal keyboard w/ "delete" key.

Please if someone knows how to get this to work, please let me know, it is extremely irritating when I am so use to quickly correcting a word while emailing. Thanks.

unfortunately, the word delete functionality is not system wide but
needs to be implemented by each programme. Entourage does not implement
it :(

About all you can do is use the 'send feedback' link in the help menu to
let MS know you want this feature.

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