Can't Delete Field


Kevin Sprinkel

In attempting to delete a field from a table, Access
reports that it cannot, since it is involved in one or
more relationships. I've deleted all defined
relationships, and removed this field from the queries of
which it was a part. Same message.

Can anyone help?

Kevin Sprinkel


after you deleted the relationship did you save and close
the relationship window and then open whatever the field
was in (table, query, form) if not try doing that. thats
the only thing i can think of, i had the same problem. I
needed to close the table with the specified field, then
delete the relationship save it, then open the table back
up to delete the field in design view.

hope it works.

George Nicholson

Also: while in the Relationships window, select the table containing the
field you want to delete. Right-click on it and select "Show Direct". I
frequently have to do this, especially when there are a lot of tables and a
lot of relationships, in order to force Access to *really* show all the
existing relationships for that table. Don't assume that what you see when
you open the window is all there is.


I suggest the following. Hope it works

1. Backup all your tables and databases
2. repair and compact all tables and databases
3. open the table relationship wizard, then click
the "show all relationship" button to see if the table
your want to delete the field(s) is still there. If yes,
then delete all the relationships linked to this table,
and then click "save" and exit.

4. now, go to that table and delete the field(s) required.

Hope this helps
God Bless

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