can't delete ldb file



I have a database that has a ldb file and I can't delete it. No one is
in the database and if I open it it updates the time on the existing ldb
but it doesn't go away when I close the db. How do I get rid of it.


John Spencer

Check permissions on the directory where the ldb file exists. Do you
have delete privileges? If not, ...

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County

Linq Adams via

A few years ago, when trying to use an API to display a form minus the Access
interface, I had this problem a couple of times, running v2000. I found that
I had to reboot the PC then the file could be deleted.


gls858 said:
I have a database that has a ldb file and I can't delete it. No one is
in the database and if I open it it updates the time on the existing ldb
but it doesn't go away when I close the db. How do I get rid of it.


Thanks for the suggestions. I checked the directory this morning and it
was still there, but when I opened and closed the DB it disappeared.


David W. Fenton

A few years ago, when trying to use an API to display a form minus
the Access interface, I had this problem a couple of times,
running v2000. I found that I had to reboot the PC then the file
could be deleted.

Process Explorer can close file handles with no need to reboot.

Usually, a logoff/logon should release any open files, though,
without any need for a reboot.

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