Can't Delete Mail



Long story short - I opened my Outlook Express and saw a notice that said it
couldn't open and perhaps the cause was not enough memory. I deleted a ton of
old mail and then cleaned out my deleted folder. My system locked up and I
had to restart. After re-starting I can't delete anything from my INBOX and
some of files I just deleted in some of my other folders have re-appeared.
Anyone have any sugestions. All of my other programs run fine. I do not have
AVG or Plaxo.

William Lefkovics [MVP]

That's quite odd. If you couldn't open it, how did you clean out your
deleted items folder?
Or did it just give that error and open anyway?

Maybe something wrong with a .dbx file where OE stores content?

Outlook express newsgroup is


When I opened OE on Saturday it gave me the notice that my inbox couldn't
open and about the possible causes. So I went into my other folders that I
had for my personal contacts and deleted mail from them, thinking that it
would clear up space as one of the possible causes was listed as not enough
memory. I emptied my deleted mail and then my system froze up. I shut down
and re-started and thats when this problem started. Also, perhaps I should
note here that last month I lost my entire INBOX. I ended up finding a
program online that helped me retrieve the lost files (DBXTRACT was the
program that I used). Everything worked fine after that until Saturday -
thats when I posted my question online. Hope you can help. Thanks :)

Brian Tillman

NRI905 said:
When I opened OE on Saturday it gave me the notice that my inbox
couldn't open and about the possible causes.

As William said, ask in an Outlook Express newsgroup.

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