Can't Display Userform



Below is the code used to try and display userform, but I keep getting an
Error = File Not Found. Runtime Error 361 - Can't unload or load this

Any ideas?

Private Sub CommandButton42_Click()
End Sub

Below is the other code associated with userform. I am just starting to
write the code, so it is not complete, but what I have already written
"should" work.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim cmpcntcat, ccntcat, currmnth, cmpmnth As Integer 'NOTE: l
(lowercase "L") & c = last & current months
Dim curr_rng, comp_rng, Cell As Range
Dim lcat(50), ccat(50) As String
Dim os, k, ck As Integer
os = 62 '#Rows to offset to each month
currmnth = Month(Date)
For k = 1 To 12
If OptionButton & k.Value = True Then
cmpmnth = k
k = 12
End If
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim mnth(12) As String
mnth(1) = "January"
mnth(2) = "February"
mnth(3) = "March"
mnth(4) = "April"
mnth(5) = "May"
mnth(6) = "June"
mnth(7) = "July"
mnth(8) = "August"
mnth(9) = "September"
mnth(10) = "October"
mnth(11) = "November"
mnth(12) = "December"
Label1.Caption = "Current Month is" & mnth(Month(Date))
End Sub


Label1.Caption = "Current Month is" & mnth(Month(Date))

You previously defined mnth(12) as a variant array. If mnth(Month(Date))
does not equate to one of those twelve array values, ie - 1 thru 12 in
then you should get a compile error which would throw the initialize event
into a tizzy. I would offer an alternative but I am not sure what format you
are looking for.


Below is the code used to try and display userform, but I keep getting an
Error = File Not Found.   Runtime Error 361 - Can't unload or load this

Any ideas?

Private Sub CommandButton42_Click()
End Sub

Below is the other code associated with userform.  I am just starting to
write the code, so it is not complete, but what I have already written
"should" work.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
   Dim cmpcntcat, ccntcat, currmnth, cmpmnth As Integer    'NOTE:  l
(lowercase "L") & c = last & current months
   Dim curr_rng, comp_rng, Cell As Range
   Dim lcat(50), ccat(50) As String
   Dim os, k, ck As Integer
   os = 62     '#Rows to offset to each month
   currmnth = Month(Date)
   For k = 1 To 12
       If OptionButton & k.Value = True Then
             cmpmnth = k
             k = 12
       End If
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
   Dim mnth(12) As String
   mnth(1) = "January"
   mnth(2) = "February"
   mnth(3) = "March"
   mnth(4) = "April"
   mnth(5) = "May"
   mnth(6) = "June"
   mnth(7) = "July"
   mnth(8) = "August"
   mnth(9) = "September"
   mnth(10) = "October"
   mnth(11) = "November"
   mnth(12) = "December"
   Label1.Caption = "Current Month is" & mnth(Month(Date))
End Sub

Are you using 'Option Base 1' at the top of your code? If not, you
will need to declare your variable 'mnth(12)' as Dim mnth(1 to 12) as
string or change it to mnth(11) since 0 will be counted.

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