Can't Drag a cell on a password protected sheet (Excel 2003)



I use a password protected worksheet that I have created, and I need to be
able to drag the contents of cell A1 (for example) as far as Cell A21 on some
occasions so that they show the same content. , and once I have password
protected the sheet I can no longer do this. I know I could select A1 and
copy then select the cells I need and then paste, but I have created this for
others to use and they are all used to dragging a cell. It wouldn't occur to
them that they can copy and paste. Th problem happened when I put a password
on the sheet. Up to that point I could drag the cells. I've checked the
options and they still show that the option to drag is available, but I can't.

I'd be grateful for any help I can get.

Thank you


John C

Is it giving you the error that the cell or chart is protected and read only?
I only ask because, for example, I unlocked cells B2 through B20, then
password protected the sheet. I was able to enter data in B2, and drag it to
any cell in the aforementioned range. I could not, however, drag it to B21,
as the cell is still locked. Perhaps you should unlock the entire column(?or
row) that they will be dragging data to/from, go to Format-->Cells,
protection tab, and ensure that the Locked box is not checked (or gray, which
indicates some are and some aren't Locked), then reprotect the sheet. I am
able, as I say, to drag and drop so long as I am dragging to an unlocked
cell. (I have Excel 2003).


Hi John,
Thanks for replying to me. The cell is unlocked. I do however have a Data
validation drop down list box on each of the cells. (sorry but i forgot to
mention that in my initial message. I have run the sheet on an office xp
2002 and it allows me to drag the contents of the cell, but in 2003 it

John C


I think when you PW protect the sheet, you probably just use the default
settings? I know that I can still drag and drop with a drop down validation
list IF, when I protect the sheet, I also check the box to allow users to
Edit Objects.


That's it! Edit objects, Thank you John. I have a couple specific options
ticked, and it didn't occur to me to tick that one. it all works good now.
thank you. Have a great weekend

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