Judy Chucker
When I select text in my word document, occasionally Word won't let me drag
that text. Instead, it just continues to select the text that my cursor
crosses. A Microsoft tech once told me to go to my Finder and remove a
couple items. I think one of them was "Normal". It would work every time.
However, I've tried removing "Normal" this time and nothing changes. I've
also run the "repair disk permissions", restarted the computer, etc. (I have
a Mac OX 10.4.7, and Word 11.2.3) I can still drag text in my Entourage
Thank you!
that text. Instead, it just continues to select the text that my cursor
crosses. A Microsoft tech once told me to go to my Finder and remove a
couple items. I think one of them was "Normal". It would work every time.
However, I've tried removing "Normal" this time and nothing changes. I've
also run the "repair disk permissions", restarted the computer, etc. (I have
a Mac OX 10.4.7, and Word 11.2.3) I can still drag text in my Entourage
Thank you!