Can't E-Mail a document from Word


Chris Marsh

Whenever I try to email a Word document by clicking in the E-mail button word
responds with the message "no such interface supported" at the point where I
hit the Send a Copy Button.

I'm running Win2K Pro with MS Office 2003 and Exch 2003

I have tried uninstalling Office and reinstalling..... to no avail.

any ideas anyone




Hi, Chris. Locate your OLE32.DLL file. The default location for this
file is C:\Windows\System32. Click on Start | Run. In the "Open" box,

regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\ole32.dll

If necessary, replace "c:\windows\system32" with the actual path to the
ole32.dll file on your computer. You only have to run this command once
(not every time you start the computer). Exit. Reboot. Do you still
get the error message?

Chris Marsh

Some more Information!

My wife was doing something with Word and Outllook and she got the Following
Message: -

Microsoft Word is set as your e-mail editor. However, Word is unavailable,
not installed, or is not the same version as Outlook. The Outlook e-mail
editor will be used instead.

So there appears to be a relasionship problem between the two, I have yet
again uninstalled and reinstalled Office.....


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