Hi Dasha,
MAPI (Messaging Application Programming Interface) mail applications such as Outlook Express or Thunderbird can work with Office
For sending from Word, if you have added the 'Send to Mail Recipient' choice to the QAT or tried to use Office Button=>Send, and
none of the 3 email choices are listed, or are greyed out then check that you have the registry settings present from Method 2 of
this MS article.
The Address book icon won't work from the Mailings dialog in Word without MS Office Outlook 2007. Microsoft no longer supports the
Windows/Personal Address books from the other apps in Word 2007. Using the 'Send to Mail Recipient' choice in Word you should be
able to access your Thunderbird address book from the [To:] line icon.
Hi Gordon and Beth Further to our earlier Chats Gordon Could you please
tell me a couple of things' I have still got the Icon in Word 2007 and I
have checked I have TBird in the "Email" Box , I did as Beth said and I
went to IE>Tools>options>Programs and this is what I have Descending::
HTML was Ms Front Page Box --Moz T/Bird was Email Editor Box ,Outlook
was in the -- Newsgroup Box and Internet Call is in NetMeeting Box --
Outlook is in the Calendar box and Outlook Is Still in the Contacts box
this may be my Problem however I changed Contacts to Address book to try
and Make it go Moz TBird Address Book and then I started getting this
when I >in the QAT But’ the Insert Address from the address Book Icon
[Either there is no Default Mail Client or Current mail client cannot
fulfill the messaging Request. Please Run Microsoft Outlook and set it
as the default mail Client.]
Straight After I Closed the otgher Box I get this one in a MS Outlook
Error Box::
[ Logon Failed. You Must log on to Microsoft Exchange to Access your
address book. Error Code: "unspecified Error" [/U]
So I am confused now! Gordon could you please go through your T/Bird
and IE Settings and tell me what you have ticked Maybe I need to re
enter Outtlook as the EMail Client and trick it???
Beth I am finding that I cannot open a Saved Word Doc or a New one
unless I click on the MS Blob in the Frame and either Select the Word
Doc I want from the My Docs List Or New from the Dropdown Menu I cant
open a New Doc From the Word Shortcut on the desktop it only opens the
Frame of The WordDoc Template can you help me again please? Thanks Guys
Dasha <<
Bob Buckland ?
MS Office System Products MVP
*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*