Can't enter data into a custom field



I open a file into Project Pro 2007, select Resource Sheet View, select Entry
table, insert a column and select Resource Text 1 to be the field for that
column. I cannot enter or copy data into that field on any row. Tried other
fields as well with same problem.


Hello jlbreyer,

Is the field calculated through a formula? Right click on the field
and choose Customize fields. What shows in the Customize fields

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

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Jim Aksel

Might you have a formula assigned to this field? Right click on the Text1
field in the resource view and select Customize Fields. Check the settings
there, "None" under the Formula section.
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Jim Aksel, MVP

Check out my blog for more information:


No formulas. I did try one, bvut it diidn't work. Also tried number and date
fields...same issue. However, if I enter a local resource, all fields work.

Jim Aksel

Are you using Project Server? Repost to microsoft.public.project.server
If you are using only the desktop versino of Project, you will need to make
the changes to a shared resource pool.

Check for resource sharing under Tools/Share Resources...
If this post was helpful, please consider rating it.

Jim Aksel, MVP

Check out my blog for more information:

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