Can't find emails in my local folder



Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) Processor: Intel Email Client: Exchange I have Entourage 2008 and have set up local folders in my computer as our Exchange server has limit on email size.

I shutdown my MacBookPro and when I opened Entourage, it brought me to the setup assistant. I can't find the local folders I set up in my mac.

Help! I have been searching the forum and using Help but can't find any answers.

Diane Ross

I shutdown my MacBookPro and when I opened Entourage, it brought me to the
setup assistant. I can't find the local folders I set up in my mac.

This sounds like your Identity was accidentally moved, or you have hit the
Setup Assistant bug. If you move the Microsoft User Data folder or the
Identity folder, Entourage creates a new blank one. Move your folder(s)
back. If it¹s the Setup Assistant, see this link for options.

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
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Hello Diane.

Thank you very much for your tips.

I found that identity folder that was erroneously renamed, restored it and now I am good to go.


On 6/1/10 8:26 AM, in article [email protected], &quot;[email protected]&quot; wrote:

I found that identity folder that was erroneously renamed, restored it and now I am good to go.

Glad you found your mail. This is one of the most common errors for Entourage users.

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