Can't find my main document



I created a 22 page document in Visio 2007 Prof. The last thing I did was
try to create my own stencils that will be used for my layout. that way it
will be handy when others have to add (racks and network equipment in a data
center). When I open it up, all I get is one page with a shape that I was
trying to create. . . I know the rest of my document is still here because
when I go to File, Properties, Contents tab - it shows all of my pages and
objects. And also, when I save as a web page, my original document is shown.
There are no page tabs at the bottom like usual. No CLOSE button to close
out whatever this "page" is called. On the title bar is says
"datacenter.vsd:Server.30 <GROUP> - Microsoft Visio" The "Server.30<GROUP>"
part should not be there.

Thank you!!!

Al Edlund

sounds like you renamed your document as .vst, instead of making a copy of
your document and naming it as .vst


although I don't remember. . . I usually just hit the save button. If I did
rename my document. . . how do I get back to my main document so I can
continue with my project?

Thanks Al

Mark Nelson [MS]

I'll echo John on this one. It sounds like you are in the group edit window
for a particular shape. Can you close that window or possible switch back
to the main drawing using the Window menu?

Mark Nelson
Office Graphics - Visio
Microsoft Corporation

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


Thanks guys. . .I can't find anything at all that will let me close out this
page/window. I've tried every option to delete, exit, close, clear, you name
it. It will only close out the whole program, or delete the shape, but I
just don't see anything to close out this group window thingy. . . I got a
response from another post that said to click on the red X which is the last
item on the edit menu. . . but I don't have a red x.

Thanks for helping me out.



Thanks guys. . .I can't find anything at all that will let me close out this
page/window. I've tried every option to delete, exit, close, clear, you name
it. It will only close out the whole program, or delete the shape, but I
just don't see anything to close out this group window thingy. . . I got a
response from another post that said to click on the red X which is the last
item on the edit menu. . . but I don't have a red x.

Do you have any other suggestions on how to close out this window?

Thanks for helping me out.


John Goldsmith

Hello Deanna,

What does your Window menu show? Click on the Window menu item and it
should show a list of the open windows. As long as you've got more than one
item click Cascade to arrange them across the screen from where you 'should'
be able to close the offending group shape window.

Let us know if this works.

Best regards


John Goldsmith


Under Window, I have New Window, Tile, Cascade, Show Shapesheet, and a
checkmark next to DataCenter.vsd:server.30<GROUP>. And that's it. No
chevron so I know I can see all options. . . I've tried Cascade, but that
<GROUP> Window is the only one.

Again, I KNOW my regular Window is there, somewhere. my file size shows 5.5
MB. much to big for one little server shape. File, properties shows a list
of all my pages. And when I save as a web page, the web page is the actual
document that I'm trying to work with.

Paul Herber

Ah, that's a good clue. But I think you are using the built-in Edit ->
Goto Page menu
Try the SuperUtils -> List/Goto Page menu

Even better, use the SuperUtils -> Reports -> Page Report menu
I think you might have some invisible pages.


Thanks for sticking with me on this one!

My page is up and running!

Thanks again, Paul!


Paul Herber

Did you get to the page just by the List/Goto Page menu or was it an
invisible page?

Thanks for sticking with me on this one!

My page is up and running!

Thanks again, Paul!



I guess it was an invisible page (?). Because I actually didn't do anything
but install that thing and open up my program.

If I just install it and then open up my document it was just the same
problem. I had to install it then open that up and then go to file, open to
open up my document. Not sure if that made sense. . . Anyway. thanks again.


I've followed all the instructions, as per this thread, but it hasn't worked
for me. This problems came about when I last clicked on save, closed it and
then there was the group window and I clicked yes to the save message box,
and next time I opened it, the group window only appeared and I can't get
back to the main document, just as DJ has described.
Any other advice on how to resolve this?

DJ said:
I guess it was an invisible page (?). Because I actually didn't do anything
but install that thing and open up my program.

If I just install it and then open up my document it was just the same
problem. I had to install it then open that up and then go to file, open to
open up my document. Not sure if that made sense. . . Anyway. thanks again.


I've found a way around this! Right hand click on the file and open with
Internet Explorer and then save as a visio 2002 drawing (or what ever version
you are using). It should open normally, with all pages / tabs visable.

Chris Roth [Visio MVP]

Hi Ash,

Another way might help.

First, go to File > Properties and uncheck the "Workspace" box at the
bottom of the dialog.

Then save your document, as normal.

When you re-open it, you should have the main window. Please let me know
if this doesn't work!

Hope this helps,

Chris Roth
Visio MVP

Visio Guy: Smart Graphics for Visual People

I've followed all the instructions, as per this thread, but it hasn't worked
for me. This problems came about when I last clicked on save, closed it and
then there was the group window and I clicked yes to the save message box,
and next time I opened it, the group window only appeared and I can't get
back to the main document, just as DJ has described.
Any other advice on how to resolve this?

DJ said:
I guess it was an invisible page (?). Because I actually didn't do anything
but install that thing and open up my program.

If I just install it and then open up my document it was just the same
problem. I had to install it then open that up and then go to file, open to
open up my document. Not sure if that made sense. . . Anyway. thanks again.


Hi Chris,
I carn't find the "Workspace" box. I have the following tabs when I right
hand click on the file and select properties: General, Security, Custom,
Summary & NetWare Version. There are a few advances, but I havn't seen it, in
these either.

Chris Roth said:
Hi Ash,

Another way might help.

First, go to File > Properties and uncheck the "Workspace" box at the
bottom of the dialog.

Then save your document, as normal.

When you re-open it, you should have the main window. Please let me know
if this doesn't work!

Hope this helps,

Chris Roth
Visio MVP

Visio Guy: Smart Graphics for Visual People

I've followed all the instructions, as per this thread, but it hasn't worked
for me. This problems came about when I last clicked on save, closed it and
then there was the group window and I clicked yes to the save message box,
and next time I opened it, the group window only appeared and I can't get
back to the main document, just as DJ has described.
Any other advice on how to resolve this?

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