I have been generating a PDF off and on for a 100-page document. Out of the
blue, I now receive an error message at page 33 saying that the PDF will not
generate. My MS Word file closes down automatically, and I then have a
"recovered" MS Word file.
Why is the file not able to generate a PDF? I had this error YEARS ago, and
seem to recall it was related to a corrupt font. I just need to know how to
go about troubleshooting my current file and why I cannot generate a PDF. I
need the PDF as a requirement for posting information to the client.
Any advice on troubleshooting? Thanks!
blue, I now receive an error message at page 33 saying that the PDF will not
generate. My MS Word file closes down automatically, and I then have a
"recovered" MS Word file.
Why is the file not able to generate a PDF? I had this error YEARS ago, and
seem to recall it was related to a corrupt font. I just need to know how to
go about troubleshooting my current file and why I cannot generate a PDF. I
need the PDF as a requirement for posting information to the client.
Any advice on troubleshooting? Thanks!