Can't get forms to work


David Galluzzo

I've finally gotten my site published since I upgraded to
a Windows/IIS based deluxe w/asp host but now I can't get
my forms to work. (I'm using frontpage 98) and I am not
familiar with what asp is, does that replace cgi? Is there
a special file or path or URL that I have to direct these
forms to in order to retreive the form information or get
it to email me the form results? I used to be able to just
put my email address in the form handler and it would
forward any information.HELP! It's been over a week and I
still don't have a functional site. Sorry for being a
little frantic and thank you in advance for any ideas you
might be able to offer.

Tom Gahagan

Hello David.....

Asp is a scripting language used something like a programming language.

Did you publish your site through Front Page?
Does your host have the proper extensions installed? ones that will work
with FP 98????

Best to you.....
Tom Gahagan


Mike the URL for the page
and Tom thank you for the post. I was told that the
extensions the host server is using is the newest version
and even though I'm still using FrontPage98 that they are
backwards compatible with all versions of FrontPage.




I copied your form into FP. It appears to be set to Send
to other:

Untic/check this and switch to Send to: for email and
optional file.

Form Tutorials & Form Script Examples



It's set on Send to: and I have the email address in. I
even put a little one line text box at the bottom of the
page just as a test and it's doing the same thing. Kind of
perplexing. Thank you for your efforts and if you think of
anything else it might be please let me know.
Best Regards,

Stefan B Rusynko

Contact your host
According to your site is Not running the FP SE
And if it is not a windows server, FP 98 is no longer supported under the FP 2002 SE (say on UNIX servers)

| Mike,
| It's set on Send to: and I have the email address in. I
| even put a little one line text box at the bottom of the
| page just as a test and it's doing the same thing. Kind of
| perplexing. Thank you for your efforts and if you think of
| anything else it might be please let me know.
| Best Regards,
| David
| >-----Original Message-----
| >David,
| >
| >I copied your form into FP. It appears to be set to Send
| >to other:
| >
| >Untic/check this and switch to Send to: for email and
| >optional file.
| >
| >Mike,
| >
| >Form Tutorials & Form Script Examples
| >
| >>-----Original Message-----
| >>Mike the URL for the page
| >>and Tom thank you for the post. I was told that the
| >>extensions the host server is using is the newest
| version
| >>and even though I'm still using FrontPage98 that they
| are
| >>backwards compatible with all versions of FrontPage.
| >>
| >>
| >>
| >>David,
| >>>
| >>>A URL for your form page would be helpful.
| >>>
| >>>Mike,
| >>>
| >>>Form Tutorials & Form Script Examples
| >>>
| >>>>-----Original Message-----
| >>>>Hello:
| >>>>I've finally gotten my site published since I upgraded
| >>to
| >>>>a Windows/IIS based deluxe w/asp host but now I can't
| >>get
| >>>>my forms to work. (I'm using frontpage 98) and I am
| not
| >>>>familiar with what asp is, does that replace cgi? Is
| >>>there
| >>>>a special file or path or URL that I have to direct
| >>these
| >>>>forms to in order to retreive the form information or
| >>get
| >>>>it to email me the form results? I used to be able to
| >>>just
| >>>>put my email address in the form handler and it would
| >>>>forward any information.HELP! It's been over a week
| and
| >>I
| >>>>still don't have a functional site. Sorry for being a
| >>>>little frantic and thank you in advance for any ideas
| >>you
| >>>>might be able to offer.
| >>>>.
| >>>>
| >>>.
| >>>
| >>.
| >>
| >.
| >

David Galluzzo

I uninstalled and reinstalled the frontpage extensions and
the send to feature still doesn't work on the forms but I
can get the form results emailed to me if I put
mailto:[email protected] in the action field in the advanced
form properties. It emails the results back to me in an
attachment which I'm not to excited about but at least
it's something. Is there anyway anyone knows of to get it
to send the results as a regular text email? Is there any
further ideas on what can be done to correct all of this?
This seems to be the only place that anybody has a real
answer so I hope you don't mind if I keep asking.
-----Original Message-----
Contact your host
According to your site
is Not running the FP SE
And if it is not a windows server, FP 98 is no longer
supported under the FP 2002 SE (say on UNIX servers)

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