Can't get Heading 3 to work properly.


Roy Stannard

Hi all,

I'm using Word 2003 on Win XP Pro and I'm having a problem with the auto
numbering function. I've read Shauna Kelly's webpage - - and have
followed it carefully (I think).

The following indicates how the error occurs in the Heading 3 level and
although I have checked the Customize Outline Numbered List dialog over
for each of the 4 Heading levels I am unable to work out what is wrong.
1.2.1 <<<<<<<<<< should be 1.1.2
2.1.1 <<<<<<<<<< should be 1.2.1
2.2.1 <<<<<<<<<< should be 1.2.2
1.1.1 <<<<<<<<<< should be 2.1.1

One thing I have noticed, though, is that while the numbers in the Number
Format box for all heading levels have a small grey rectangle around each
of them separately, this is not the case with the last 1 in Heading 3. I
have no idea if this has any significance but the fact that it occurs in
the Heading 3 dialog where I'm having all the trouble may mean something.

Any help would much appreciated


Stefan Blom

The fact that the third level numbering does not appear greyed in the
Number Format box indicates that it is typed in, rather than inserted
from the Number style box. Select and delete the number, click
"(none)" in the Number style box, and then click the desired option:
"1,2,3,...". Finally, click OK until you have closed all dialog boxes.
If it doesn't work, you may have to recreate the entire outline.
(Remember to access the Bullets and Numbering dialog from the
top-level style, that is, from Heading 1, as Shauna describes it in
her article.)

Stefan Blom

I just looked at your example again. It seems as though other numbers
(besides the last one) at level three are also incorrect.

You could try the following fix: Select the entire document and press
CTRL+Q, which resets paragraph numbering to style, which should remove
any direct formatting overriding the style definitions.

But I think that you have to recreate the entire third level
numbering. Access the Bullets and Numbering dialog box from the
Heading 1 style. Click Customize. Click Level 3. Clear the Number
Format box and reinsert each number in succession: Insert the first
level numbering (select it from the Previous level box), type a
period, insert the second level numbering, type a period, and finally
insert the numbering for level three (from the Number Style box).

Roy Stannard

Thanks I'll give that a go, I found that just selecting "none" and
deleting the numbers in the format box and then selecting 1,2,3 put "1" up
instead of "1.1.1" required, no joy there.

Roy Stannard

But I think that you have to recreate the entire third level
numbering. Access the Bullets and Numbering dialog box from the
Heading 1 style. Click Customize. Click Level 3. Clear the Number
Format box and reinsert each number in succession: Insert the first
level numbering (select it from the Previous level box),

I'm not sure what (select from the Previous level box) means, I found that
I could only get a greyed "1" after clearing the Number Format box.

Also, I can't get any more than a single greyed out "1" at any level now,
so that the numbering sequence is


Is there any way I can get back to the default outline numbering settings?


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Do you not have a "Previous level number" box under the "Number style" box?
Click in the "Number format" box and select Level 1 from that list. This
will insert a 1 in a gray rectangle. Type a period, then select Level 2 from
the list, type another period, and then choose 1, 2, 3 from the "Number
format" box, followed by another period if desired.

Roy Stannard

Many thanks to you both, I was finally able to get the numbering function
working :), your help is much appreciated



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