Cant Get IF(ISBLANK) to work


Neil M

This is driving me crazy!! I am sure it is somehting simple, but I can't get

On several parts of my spreadsheet I have used the following formula

In Cell4 I have this:

Now Cell4 will stay blank until I select from a list in Cell1, then I get a
zero until I enter values in Cell2 and Cell3) Also Cell4 will go blank once I
clear the contents of the other cells.

Farther down the sheet in Cell8 I tried to enter the same thing


However, I get #VALUE in Cell8 until I enter values in the corresponding cells

I decided to go with this then
=PRODUCT(IF(Y154>0,Y154*U154,0)) That works okay but it keeps the zero there
and I don't want it. I want it blank.

If I try =PRODUCT(IF(Y154>0,Y154*U154,"")) I get #VALUE until data is
entered when I should get a blank cell, right?

I have even tried =PRODUCT(IF(ISBLANK(C154),"",(Y154,U154))
I still get #value

any ideas

JE McGimpsey

Math operators (+,-,*,/,etc.) return #VALUE! if one or both of their
arguments are Text. Did you "clear" your cells using the spacebar (e.g.,
with a Text space character)?

One potential workaround:


which will leave Cell4 blank until something is entered in Cell1, and
both Cell2 and Cell3 are numbers.

Peo Sjoblom

Nothing wrong with isblank but it only trigger when the cell is truly empty,
not containing a formula, you need to use something like this



Peo Sjoblom

(No private emails please)

Neil M

Finally tried this and got it to work, okay

=IF(OR(isblank(cell1),isblank(cell2)........,"", x*y))

Basically telling it if any cell is blank give me ("")

Thanks for the tip about arguments involving text, still don't know why it
works elsewhere on the sheet.


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