When i use the "INSERT" into statement in DBRW in
a custom query-string and type in the proper
values ('::naam::') the result would that i get an
error specified as "Unable to find operator in query string.
Query string currently is Insert into invoer (naam) Values('::naam::')"
So it doesn't insert anything into my table, (=problem no1, the major
Now when i change the Values to ('naam') without the :: then it
does insert "naam" into my table but not the value that came from
the insert -form field. It inserts the word "naam". So the Insert
statement seems to work it only inserts the wrong value.
It actually inserts the values name. So it appears to start working
a bit ( i get no error messages like above) but now the right values.
Is there a way i can solve these (2) problems, i've been
looking at Microsoft MSDN, KB, FPsupport, but without
any positive result, Pls do help if you can.
Thanks in advance,
When i use the "INSERT" into statement in DBRW in
a custom query-string and type in the proper
values ('::naam::') the result would that i get an
error specified as "Unable to find operator in query string.
Query string currently is Insert into invoer (naam) Values('::naam::')"
So it doesn't insert anything into my table, (=problem no1, the major
Now when i change the Values to ('naam') without the :: then it
does insert "naam" into my table but not the value that came from
the insert -form field. It inserts the word "naam". So the Insert
statement seems to work it only inserts the wrong value.
It actually inserts the values name. So it appears to start working
a bit ( i get no error messages like above) but now the right values.
Is there a way i can solve these (2) problems, i've been
looking at Microsoft MSDN, KB, FPsupport, but without
any positive result, Pls do help if you can.
Thanks in advance,