Can't get order form to submit properly



I am using Front Page 2000 and have been unable to get the order form of my
site to submit properly. Every time, no matter how I change the code or work
within the program I get the following answer:
FrontPage Error.
User: please report details to this site's webmaster.
Webmaster: please see the server's system log for more details.

I can get it to email the results if I use a method mentioned by my
webserver (yahoo) to change the html to read - <form method=post

however this doesn't allow me to control giving a confirmation page.

here is the current code for my order form for the submission:

<form method="post" action="--WEBBOT-SELF--">
<!--webbot bot="SaveResults" U-File="formresults.htm" S-Format="HTML/BR"
S-Label-Fields="TRUE" B-Reverse-Chronology="FALSE" S-Email-Format="TEXT/PRE"
S-Email-Address="(e-mail address removed)" B-Email-Label-Fields="TRUE"
S-Builtin-Fields U-Confirmation-Url="confirmation_form.htm" -->

I have also tried looking for the "form-results" text file mentioned in
Microsoft's online help. I didn't see any files in that folder (_private) at
all, text or no.

Please, if someone has any ideas they would be greatly appreciated!

Thomas A. Rowe

Have you checked with Yahoo Tech Support to see if they actually support sending form email via the
FP extensions? Each web host that run FP extensions has the ability to disable certain features.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Bob Lehmann

For starters, why don't you get a real Webhost instead of Yahoo?

I can't imagine myself ordering anything from It
doesn't represent alot of professionalism or credibility on the part of the
seller, IMHO.

Bob Lehmann


The code snippet indicates that the form_results.htm is actually in the same
folder as the form. This needs to be changed in form properties to be in
the _private folder.

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