There's nothing to stop you typing 87% in the Zoom percentage box in Mac
Word, either

Hit "Enter" and it will stick.
I am a writer, too. I write books for a living. I work exclusively in
Draft view while I am writing, so I do not have to bother to think about,
let alone see, any "pages".
Draft View gives a substantial performance boost in documents > 250 pages.
In documents > 500 pages, you really need to be in Draft View to get any
work done at all
I don't go into a paginated view until I am ready to finalise for
publication. Then I do all the pagination and fiddling in one efficient
Yeah, OK, so then the client comes back with a series of after-thoughts and
I get to do it "again". But only once
I learned long ago that life is too short to work in Page Layout View
Thanks, John. Zooming into the doc beyond 125% does, in fact, keep one page on
the screen at a time. Of course, now there's the annoyance of dealing with
these awkward, oversized pages. Before my switch to Mac I could put a Word doc
at 87% which allowed me a full view of the page, but never jumped to those two
side-by-side pages.
I'm a writer who spends a lot of time in Word, so apologies if I seem a little
too picky.
Thanks for the help!!
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John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac
Sydney, Australia. mailto:
[email protected]