Can't get Speech Recognition To Work



I am running Office 2003 Pro on XP home. I tried out speech recognition
and it worked fine. Somewhere along the line something happened, but I
have no idea what it was, or when, but the result is that the entire
speech recognition system is totally flaky. The language bar seems to
appear when it wants. When it does, clicking the microphone button does
not expand the language bar or cause Word or any other office product
to recieve speech input.

My first thought was a corrupt profile, so I created a new one, trained
it, and it worked fine again for a day. The next time I tried to use it
I was right back, so I created another new profile, only this time it
did not help.

Then I tried uninstalling it, deleting the profile files in \documents
and settings\...\ - both the ones in Application Settings and \Local
Settings. I then reinstalled, but it maintained the same

I had also removed Speech Recognition from the Advanced Language
settings dialog. Interestingly, uninstalling speech recognition did
not do that. I had to do it manually.

I then found information about, went through the complete
diagnostic, but again, overall, nothing changed. The first time I fired
up word with the "/a" option, Word started responding to commands such
as "FILE", but it responded regardless of the status of the microphone
button. Even when I could get the dictation and command buttons to show
up, Word would only respond to commands, adn would never take

The next thing I tried was to do a repair of Office. Once again, not
much has changed. Except I am back to "No response" as opposed to Word
taking commands only.

Used to, the language bar would also float at the top of the screen.
Now the only place it appears at all is in the tool bar. Being a
support person, I have tried to be as methodical as possible, but the
variations of reactions are so random my methodology has failed to
produce any usable indicators of what is wrong or what the next logical
step is.

Some of the characteristics are:
1. I can do training with no problem. My microphone seems to be
working extremely well, and training always works as expected. I have
never had a single thing make me believe there is an issue with the

2. Sometimes the language bar does not appear at all, and this is
regardless of the "transparency" option.

3. When it appears, it is often JUST the mic button. I can usually
manually extend it by unlocking the toolbar and dragging it.

4. It does not respond to simple things like selecting "Text Labels",
or "Help".

5. The status indicator does not respond to changes. For example, at
this moment it indicates "Microphone is on". Toggling the microphone
does not cause the status to change.

I have hesitated trying to go back to a restore point simply because I
have no idea how far I would need to go back, and no good path to
ensure I don't undo other important changes. Speech recognition is the
only thing I am having trouble with. I am working with a relatively new
PC that has worked almost without flaw with this exception.

I have read extensively in the news groups, but information is
scattered, and nothing I have read seems to match what I have run into.
Documentation is even more scarce when it comes to troubleshooting or
how SR actually works.

After reading this tome I would greatly appreciate any insight anyone
might have - short of reinstalling the entire system or buying a boat.

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