Can't get switch to work on numerical data merged to Word from XL


Jeannie McQuaid

I'm using an Excel sheet to populate merge fields in a Word document.
Despite assorted attempts to put a picture switch on the field according to
the help directions, Word insists on dropping trailing zero's after the
decimal, e.g. $27.60 is displayed 27.6 The date in Excel is formatted
#,###.00 but Word Help says that's irrelevant.

ALT F9 displays {MERGEFIELD "F26"}
To no avail, I've tried: {MERGEFIELD "F26" #\ #,###.00}; {MERGEFIELD
"F26" \# $#,###.00} just like the help instructions; and more creatively,
{MERGEFIELD "F26" }#\ #,###.00.

What am I doing wrong?

Jeannie McQuaid

Actually the website didn't help me discover how to fix my problem...but it
is fixed. I was putting in the switches and hitting ALT F9 to hide the
coding thinking that I should immediately see the results of the switch. But
I discovered when I opened the document to try the instructions from the
website, my switches seemed to working. I'm assuming that in order for the
switch to take effect, I had to close the document and reopen. (none of
the help information included that little point!)

Thank you for taking the time to look at my problem.


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

You would need to update the fields to get the new format to be displayed.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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