Jeannie McQuaid
I'm using an Excel sheet to populate merge fields in a Word document.
Despite assorted attempts to put a picture switch on the field according to
the help directions, Word insists on dropping trailing zero's after the
decimal, e.g. $27.60 is displayed 27.6 The date in Excel is formatted
#,###.00 but Word Help says that's irrelevant.
ALT F9 displays {MERGEFIELD "F26"}
To no avail, I've tried: {MERGEFIELD "F26" #\ #,###.00}; {MERGEFIELD
"F26" \# $#,###.00} just like the help instructions; and more creatively,
{MERGEFIELD "F26" }#\ #,###.00.
What am I doing wrong?
Despite assorted attempts to put a picture switch on the field according to
the help directions, Word insists on dropping trailing zero's after the
decimal, e.g. $27.60 is displayed 27.6 The date in Excel is formatted
#,###.00 but Word Help says that's irrelevant.
ALT F9 displays {MERGEFIELD "F26"}
To no avail, I've tried: {MERGEFIELD "F26" #\ #,###.00}; {MERGEFIELD
"F26" \# $#,###.00} just like the help instructions; and more creatively,
{MERGEFIELD "F26" }#\ #,###.00.
What am I doing wrong?